Male warroir naga x chubby naga reader

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You can say your marriage is a special one and it was you are naga hybrid women and you are married, not to male mags  hybrid you are married to a male naga who was also a warrior as well. Your husband lousca made you happy more then all your old relationships, and he also didn't make fun of your weight of body shape like all you ex's had done.

Lusca " hey love I'm home" you had been doing some cleaning around the house get everything ready for you husband, return from his portal duty for the past five weeks.

Y/n " lusca you are back ...welcome home my love"

Lusca " I'm so happy to be home my love I missed you while I was away"

Y/n " I missed you as well"

Lusca " it become more hard when I was away now that we are going to be family soon, so how are the eggs doing" You and Lucsa looked over that the nest, that was made for your guys few children while they were in their eggs shells but once they got older they will sleep on normal beds.

Y/n " they have been well I be making sure to keep the nest warm there, have been reports of eggs getting cold during night and the younglings die before they could see the world"

Lusca " everything will be fine my love I promise nothing will happen to you or our children" you had become worried about you children with you being a hybrid naga, there had been reports that hybrid will not be able to have children with pure blood as have them live as long.

Y/n " hey did you hear that"

Lucsa " hear .... " you and Lucsa moved over to the nest and soon saw the eggs cracking and soon enough you are both faced with six little faces.

Lucsa " four boys and one girl" your sons looked like their father while you daughter look like you, you soon picked up your daughter and warped her around a blanket and Lucsa and done the same for you sons.

Lusca " it looks like we finally have the family we wanted my love"

Y/n " yes we do" the next day there was a celebration held at the home with family and friends to welcome the new additions to you and lusca house hold.

Male x chubby reader book 2 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now