Mobters x chubby wife reader

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You are hanging out in your house making dinner you has asked you two son to go, to the story and get something fr9m the store. You gave them the money that they need and soon went off and in few minutes they returned home, from the store.

Y/n " hey boys how was.... what happen you hit you" you see your son Jacob has a black eye , while you son James has a cut lips and bruised check. They had a few cuts and bruises on their faces as well which made you worry even more.

James " the shop owner and his sons beat us up when we told him to leave us alone because he, was picking on us"

Y/n "what"

Jacob " then his dad gave me this black eye and said if I came crying to you he will give a beaten you too" you tell the boys to set the the kitchen table to you try your best to heal their injuries. It was to late you mobster husband Terry walked into the hoses with his boys and his father.

Terry " hey honey I brought the boys and dad over for dinner to see you and the boys ... what the hell is is who land a hand on you boys"

Y/n " they had gotten beaten up by the shop owner and his sons"

Terry " which shop owner"

Y/n " honey you need to...."

Terry" which shop owner"

Jacob " the one on Conner of north and green street, a few blocks away from here we want on a errand run for mom"

Terry" did they say anything else"

James " the owner said if we told mother and she came by the store to complain he,will give her a good beaten as well and make sure she remembers"

Terry" that it boys let's go" terry had punched a whole in the kitchen wall and destroyed a few of the dinner plates, and soon enough him and his boys are walking out of the house mad and wanting revenge.

Y/n " honey..... "

Terry father" y/n you can't stop him you know when he gets like this it to late to stop him"

Terry" pop watch y/n and the boys we will be back shortly we just have to deal with a rat and his rat sons" terry and his boys soon take off in their cars and , you soon go back into the house with your father in law. He helping you clean up the broken plates and bowls. You had told the boys to go take a shower and change into something comfortable while you talked with your father in law.

Terry father" you know my son loves you and your sons... he will do anything for you three even kill someone"

Y/n " I know but I don't want him to one day go to far"

Terry father" you know he will not do that because he dose not want to lose you and the boys"

Y/n " I know" after a few minutes your husband and his fiends return to the house, and you saw terry hands were bruised a bit. Soon enough dinner was serviced and everyone sat at the table eating dinner, and talking about each other days. Soon enough you had heard the shop owner and his sons had gotten beaten up badly and later arrested by ,the cops for some crimes they had done. You later found out a friend of your husband now owned the shop along with his twin sons, you really did not question what ever happened that day.

Male x chubby reader book 2 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now