Male Young justices x chubby plant reader 2

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It was the next day and you are walking straight to school, you would have left the greenhouse early but your plant side started to act up. You soon reach the school and see the guys about to walk into the school. 

Conner" hey y/n" 

y/n" hey guys " 

Wally" are you okay you look like you are sick" 

y/n" no I'm good" you and the guys into the school building and you start to fell a bit dizzy. You brush it off thinking it nothing major. You are in gardening class with the guys looking over the planets the teacher had made you guys plant for credit. 

Apollo" how are you so good that is y/n" 

y/n" you can say I just have a talent with planets" 

Mat" so we heard from Alfred that you live in this giant greenhouse" 

Y/n" yeah my father is a gardener and does plant research as well" 

Wally" wow" 

y/n" yeah" 

dick" sorry if Alfred scared you when he showed up that your place yesterday" 

y/n" it okay" you had looked back that the plant quickly to see it moving around you soon hit, it makes it stop moving around. 

teacher" well boys it looks like you will all need some extra work on taking care of your plants, maybe if you ask miss l/n and she might be able to help you" the teacher soon walks away and the guys look straight at you. 

y/n" hey maybe you guys.. can come by my place and we can get you all a new starter planet" 

ka-al " sure"

Wally" so we finally get to see what your life is like outside of school" 

y/n" sure" 

Apollo " wally don't be a creep" you smile as wally and apollo go back and forth yelling insults that each other. After school, you and the guys decided to hang out before you all went to your father's greenhouse. You guys decided to stop by this pizza stand and order some pizza, you had gone to the bathroom to take your medicine to less your powers strength. After you guys get done eating, you all start walking back to your place. 

y/n" well here we are" 

conner" wow this place is something" 

y/n" yeah is what my father like in greenhouses giant and perfect" you soon walk inside the house and see the animals looking at you. You soon wave your hand at them and they hide fast and soon enough you let the guys inside. 

apollo" wow... hey do you have pets" apollo points at the dish bowls on the ground and you soon look straight at him. 

y/n" yeah I do but it seems like they are all hiding somewhere" 

mat" sure" 

y/n" well let me show you where my father keeps some of the starter plants, that you guys can use" you and the guys walk into a section of the greenhouse where you see some small plants and you give the guys on. 

wally" thanks y/n for.... lookout" you soon turned around to see one of your uncle lions walking over to you and the guys. Once he lays his eyes on the guys he starts running fast and it looks like he not going to stop. 

y/n" no sora down sora I said down right now" once the lion hears you he stops running but keeps on looking at the guys. 

Dick" how did you. what" 

y/n" it..." you lift up your right hand and that when you power decided to finally work. 

Dick" so it true" 

y/n" what do you mean" 

Dick" you see we had gotten worried about you one day when you didn't show up to school, and I came to check up on you and I saw your father pouring" 

y/n" planet powder" 

Dick" yes I want to ask you but I didn't want to freak you out" 

y/n" I'm guessing you guys don't want to be....." 

apollo " we still want to be friends with you y/n and nothing going to change that" 

y/n" thanks guy"

wally" hey don't to ruin this wonderful moment of friendship but y/n can you call off your wild cats before they kill me and conner" you see wally and conner standing near the table trying their best not to get eaten. 

y/n" sure boys leave them alone they are my friends, not your dinner" the wild cats soon leave the guys alone and that when wally decides to move and that when the hyenas come out. 

y/n" same goes for you two leave them alone" 

wally" so what that about" 

y/n" that a longer story... but hey are is the justice league standings in my backyard" 

Ka-al " well now it out turn to tell our story" wally open the back door leading to the back yard only the justice league members to come inside. the guys tell you the truth about them while trying their best to not piss off any of the animals. 

y/n" wow okay but I'm in trouble with the ...."

superman" no you are fine y/n we have no issue with you" 

y/n" good" 

green lantern " I have a question will any of these animals try to kill us" 

y/n" no... as long as you don't hurt me then you are okay with them but if you do it all over" 

green lantern" okay" just then your cellphone started to ring and you picked it up to hear you, father and uncles, over the phone. 

y/n" hello dad.. yes dad I know to feed the plant and water them... yes dad I know to not use my power too much..yes uncle Harvey the hyenas are fed and taken care of. no they haven't eaten anyone... yes uncle sam the boys are doing well and they haven't attacked or killed anyone.. yes I know the rules... bye dad see you when you get home" you hang up the phone fast and look at the guys and their mentors. 

Wally" wait they..." 

y/n " don't ask it very long and sad sorry" 

Conner" but" 

y/n" long and sad story" soon there is a loud roar that fills the room and soon everyone is looking at you. 

y/n" yeah there a room in here I'm not allowed to go into that all" 

Dick" what in the room" 

y/n" I stop trying to ask my father question a long time ago" the boys soon start laughing at your response and you soon start laughing as well. 

Male x chubby reader book 2 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now