Male young justice x short kid reader

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You are walking in the halls of the hall of justice once again, you had been dragged to a meeting mu your father Bruce Wayne. You were not allowed to attend the meeting, but you didn't care it gave you enough time to work on your family history project for your class. You had been working on it all week and you were hoping to learn something new as well.

???? " hey kiddo what are you doing"

Y/n " oh hey Wally what going on"

Wally " nothing much me and the guys had gotten back from a mission over seas"

Apollo " hey what with the paper kiddo" soon the other guys showed up and they were all looking at you wondering,what you were doing.

Y/n " oh my biology teacher is having us work on this family history project,so we can all talks about our families dna and what is passed down from generation to generation"

Dick " oh so what did you find so far"

Y/n " nothing much Alfred and dad were able to help me find out something,  tu noting else and I asked dad if I  could do one of those dna test"

Mat " what did he say"

Y/n " he said later on when I'm older I don't know what he means by that anyways"

Wally " hey he will tell you when he is ready"

Y/n " okay but I feel like him and the other superhero's are hiding something, from me when I ask my dad about my birth mother he tells me nothing when I ask the other if they even meet her they say no"

Apollo " maybe your dad will tell you when your older"

Y/n " okay ... hey can you guys keep a secret"

Guys " sure"

Y/n " well you see our teacher has a friend who did free dna result for us, to help us find out more and we hit them back today so that means I can learn more" you show the guys the envelop holding the dna results, but dick takes it out of your hand fast.

Y/n " no fair"

Dick " I don't think Bruce wants you to know for you better good kiddo p, and hey maybe he will tell you when he feel like it and maybe the others will soon soon up as well"

Y/n " okay"

Dick " I will hold onto this for a while as your big adopted brother I have to watch out for you"

Y/n " okay "

Apollo " hey are you feeling okay you look sick"

Y/n " yeah I'm fine I have been feeling unwell for while but dad, has been giving me this medicine to make me feel better so everything is good"

Dick " okay but I'm calling Alfred to come pick you up I will tell Bruce you went home sick"

Y/n " okay" soon Alfred had come to pick you up and the guys waited outside with you in their regular clothes.

Alfred " ready to go miss"

Y/n " yes and thank you again guys you made me feel better about the whole thing"

Wally " anytime kiddo"

Y/n " hey you will all make great fathers someday"

Conner " thanks kiddo see you later" you got into the limo and Alfred had taken you home. What you didn't know was the words you said to the guys really hurt them deeply.

Watch tower

Superman " what was that all about down there"

Conner " nothing okay it between us and her"

Flash " did you tell her the truth"

Wally " no we didn't okay"

Batman " what that dick"

Dick " nothing okay if between y/n and us"

Green arrow " we need do know okay did you tell her the truth"

Apollo " don't you dare tell us what we have to do when it comes to our daughter okay"

Batman " yes we can tell you what to do as I remember she doesn't know, she think I'm her real father and we are leaving it as that"

Mat " what about her power she going to know sooner or later, and the stupid medicine is not going to work for long she will find out"

Green arrow " than you can all tell her why she not being raised by you all, Dan why Bruce and Alfred are raising her"

Superman " it for the best and only we, Alfred, and few members know the truth ... no else knows" the guys soon walk away mad and fast, they wanted redo time and raise you verse having Bruce and Alfred raise you.

Green arrow " this is never going to be easy"

Superman " no and the more we keep at it the more danger it will lead to" someone else was watching and listening into the conversation that was happening and knew the truth right away.

Male x chubby reader book 2 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now