Male toga x chubby reader

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Once again you had gotten other love letter and a red rose in your school shoe locker, and you already know who had put the rose and love letter in your shoe locker. You are walking back to your dorm when you soon fall and when you finally opened your eye you notice you are empty restaurant.

Y/n " really Togo -on where are you"

Togo -on " hey y/n Chan I'm happy your got my letter and the rose"

Y/n " really why do you keep on doing this to me"

Togo-on " because I love care about you y/n Chan .... hey why don't you have a meal with me it can be a somewhat date"

Y/n " Togo - on I have ....."

Togo- on " please y/n just this one date and I won't cut you this time I promise"

Y/n " fine but if I see trying to cut me or come at me with you knife I will leave"

Togo-on " thank you y/n Chan you are the best" you soon take a seat at the table and soon Togo place some food on the table , and he has a seat you can tell something is off about him.

Y/n " so the league of villain know you are here with me"

Togo- on " well no know but Dabi he is covering for me ... so we can hang out for as long as we want"

Y/n " okay" you started eating the food and you can see the Togo-on has something on his mind but you, were not going to make him tell you.

Togo-on " I'm sorry I made you come here with our your knowledge"

Y/n " hey I gotten use to it hey I'm glad I land on couch this time verse a body of water"

Togo-on " sorry about that and I'm sorry I cut that guys that was laughing at you"

Y/n " like I said it was okay and hey I'm starting to enjoy my time with you"

Togo-on " really y/n Chan"

Y/n " yes" you and Togo-on soon leave the restaurant after getting done eating dinner and you soon both walk around town, and you both do some shopping yo7 had dragged him in few shops and he did the same for you. You and Togo-on had a special relationship with each other, a few friends on both of you guys sides thought you two were dating or just every close but that was between you and him.

Male x chubby reader book 2 (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now