~12~ My Everything

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Emma's POV

It's been a couple days since my spanking and I just
can't shake the feeling that I'm not supposed to be with Owen anymore. I'm driving to school today and Luke is in the passenger seat and Trace is in the back.

"Man. The moment I graduate I'm taking my car and driving for hours" Luke whines.

Trace snorts from the back. We have both heard often how much Luke misses his car. We're ready for him to get it back too so we can quit hearing about it.

"You're quiet this morning, Emmy. What's wrong?" Luke asks after a minute.

"Nothing" I say simply.

"You still upset about this weekend?"

"Yeah" I say. I'm nervous to see Owen. I really hope he's not mad at me for getting him into trouble.

We walk into the building and I go to my locker. Owen is waiting for me with a worried expression.

"Are you ok?" He asks as he pulls me into a huge hug.

"Are you?" I ask.

He just nods as he kisses my head.

"I'm so sorry. How did your parents find out?"

Apparently dad left out the part that I told them.

"Um, I told them" I admit.

He looks at me like I'm crazy.

"You just randomly told your parents?!?!" He's beyond shocked.

I simply nod, waiting for his wrath.

He looks at me hard for a minute and nods. "Well, we will find something else to do next time" he smirks.

I exhale the breath I was holding. I seriously thought he was going to be mad.

"How much trouble are you in?" I ask him after a minute.

"A lot" he says simply as he starts walking me to my first class.

I notice he's walking extremely stiff and slow. He must have had a horrible weekend.

The whole day I'm just feeling off. Something about my realization this weekend has made it so I just don't want to hold his hand anymore. Kiss him anymore. I want it to be Trace instead.

He's starting to notice by the end of the day.

"Are you mad at me, Emma?" He asks nervously as I'm getting ready to leave.

I shake my head no and give him a forced smile.

He nods, unconvinced. "I would come over, but I'm grounded for the rest of my life" he says, rolling his eyes.

"I never meant to get you into trouble. I just had to tell my parents. The guilt was eating away at me" I say, hoping he understands.

He grabs my hand and kisses me softly.

"Never apologize for doing what you think is right. I'm sorry I put you in that position in the first place."

I kiss him again. He really is an amazing guy.

That night at dinner, dad is looking at me hard.

"What's wrong, Emma Kate?" He asks through a bite
of peas.

"Nothing" I say simply.

"You're not in trouble."

I just nod. "I know"

Trace and his family are over for dinner. Trace is looking at me hard, but doesn't say anything.

After dinner I help mom clean up. Mom, Megan, and I are doing dishes.

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