~80~ I Hate You

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Mason's POV

The moment I spanked her the third time, and felt her body tighten, I knew that was the strength I needed to do. So, I let the fourth one come down just a touch harder than the last one.

"Ouch!" She cries, immediately starting to try and get off my lap.

I stop smacking her, so I can get her readjusted. I tighten my grip on her waist, and I pin my right leg over her two legs.

"Jocelyn Grace, do not try to get off my lap until your spanking is over. If it happens again, you will get more. Do you understand me?"

"I DON'T WANT TO DO THIS" she screams, trying desperately to kick her legs free.

"I don't want to either" I say, resuming my smacks.

She immediately puts her hands back, blocking me from smacking her again.

I sigh as I take her wrists in my left hand, and pin them roughly behind her back.

"What did I just tell you?" I ask as I smack her roughly on the thigh. I saw Taylor do that to Dylan, and it looked effective.

It was. Josie SCREAMS and tries to thrash some more.

I smack her thigh again.

"STOP" she screams, trying desperately to get out of my grip. I'm going to have to start adding in weight lifting to my workouts. She's making me work.

"I will keep smacking your thighs until you stop moving." I say as I continue alternating smacks on both of her thighs.

She finally stops, and screams again. "I WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU FOR THIS!!!"

I ignore her as I go back to her bottom and continue smacking.

Suddenly the door opens. "Quit, Mason" Dylan yells, furious. He's acting like Luke. I always loved how
protective Luke was over Emma. I like that Dylan is too.

Sasha turns on him. "Get out, Dylan." She hisses.

"No, he's hurting her" he yells.

"Yeah, getting spanked hurts. Get out before you're next" she says, grabbing him by the bicep and pulling him out of the room and locking the door.

I'm so proud of her. She's becoming so....Strong.

I continue to spank her, and she continues to scream. She's still fighting me.

I look at Sasha "how long?" I ask. I think she's had enough. Way more than enough.

"At least until she quits fighting." She says confidently.

"Are you sure?" I ask as I deliver a particularly hard smack, causing Josie to scream again.

"Yeah. Once the pain is intense enough, you give up. It's not intense if she's still fighting."

I shake my head in disgust. This is awful. My hand is even starting to hurt. No wonder Ellie uses a paddle.

I move all around her bottom, not necessarily doing it any particular way. Taylor smacked Dylan in the same spot several times before moving on. I'm not. I'm just landing the smacks wherever they land. I'll
have to ask him later what hurts worse. Or Sasha.

She's starting to cry harder, and get more still. She isn't fighting nearly as hard. Sasha comes over to me.

"You're getting close" she whispers. Then she points to her lower butt. Between the thigh and her butt.

"Lower her down and smack her there. It hurts awful. You can probably quit after that." She says gently.

I nod as I do what she says. I push Josie down further, so her butt is up higher. Then I start smacking where Sasha says. Man does Josie start wailing. I've never heard her cry so hard in my life.

Inferno Part 2Where stories live. Discover now