~35~ The Test

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Luke's POV

Today is the day of the test. We're all on pins and needles. Mom and dad have basically been pulling all-nighters with me for days now.

Last night, mom got especially cranky. "Mason, this test is bullshit" she spits at him.

Dad looks at Mason sympathetically. Mason simply nods. "I know it is. The state gives me certain guidelines for this class. I have to have it like this. That's why I'm so hard with projects and homework all year. So they will have a buffer when this test comes."

Mom rolls her eyes as she goes outside and slams the door.

"This isn't about you, Mason. She's mean when she gets no sleep" dad says apologetically.

Mason sighs but says nothing. I know he feels bad. I overheard Sasha telling dad the other night that Mason cried when they were in bed the night before. He feels awful. He shouldn't. This was my fault. I should never have been so lazy this year.

I'm getting ready for school, and when I go downstairs, mom is drinking coffee. She never drinks coffee. She must be completely exhausted. I know I am. Once this test is over, I'm sleeping until tomorrow morning.

She smiles at me as I sling my book bag over my shoulder and start walking towards the door.

"You've got this buddy" she says, kissing my cheek and squeezing my hand.

I just nod. I don't "got this" and I know it. I'm not graduating.

The whole morning I feel sick to my stomach. I just want to cry. Both Emma and Trace try to give me a pep talk, but it's not doing any good. Emma is even stressed for this test. She's trying hard to hide it from me, but I know her as well as I know myself. It's a twin thing. She's panicked.

We get into Mason's class, and Mason can't even look at me. He's just as nervous as I am, I think. I have a feeling mom isn't going to be nice if I fail. I have a feeling Mason is going to hear about it.

He passes out the tests and I get started. I'm actually pretty excited. I see several answers right off the bat that I know. That never happens when I take a test. I do the ones I know first, and then I go to the ones I don't.

Surprisingly, there's a ton of ones that I did know. For the first time in three months, I don't feel like my life is over.

I'm one of the last ones working on my test, but I finally get it done and then turn it in.

Mason looks at me, and I just shrug. I don't know. I don't think I failed, but I really don't think this is an "A" test. I can honestly say this will be the best grade on a test that I will ever have, but I doubt it's an A. Studying is hard for me. Tests are hard for me. School is hard for me.

The rest of the day goes by slowly. I'm so tired, and stressed, that I just want to go home. I finally go home, and mom and dad are waiting anxiously.

"Well?" Dad asks me nervously.

I shrug. "I'm positive I passed, but I doubt it's an A"

Mom smiles and gives me a hug. "Give yourself some credit. I bet it is. You worked your ass off."

Mason comes in then, and we all just look at him. He throws his hands up, defensively.

"Before you all attack me, I left his test at school. I'm grading everyone else's but his. I wouldn't tell you guys his grade tonight, regardless. That's not fair to everyone else. I'll go a little early tomorrow and grade it."

Mom and dad just nod. I sigh and grab a water from the fridge. "I'm going to bed. Don't wake me for dinner" I say on my way up.

"Ok love" mom says softly.

I sleep all afternoon, all evening, and I don't wake up
until mom shakes me awake for school the next morning. When I stretch out, I feel like I've been beat. I'm so stiff and sore, I feel like death.

"Morning, darling" mom says, patting my back and kissing my head.

I look at her, and she doesn't look like she got any sleep.

"You still look tired" I say, my voice thick with sleep.

"So do you" she jokes.

"Get up. I let you sleep as long as I could. You've got twenty minutes"

I nod as I get up and get ready. When I come downstairs, there's a McDonald's Bacon Egg and Cheese biscuit waiting for me.

"What's this for?"

Dad chuckles. "You missed dinner and you worked your ass off. I figured you deserved some McDonald's."

"Thanks dad" I say, grinning at him and scarfing down my food. He even got me two hash browns and a blueberry muffin.

Mason comes downstairs with Josie and Dylan, and gives me a nervous smile. "You will find out in a few hours" he says, squeezing my shoulder.

I leave after I eat, and head to school. I'm more nervous than I was yesterday. Yesterday it was all in my hands. It's out of my hands now and that's terrifying. Probably even more terrifying than actually taking the test.

I know one way or another I will graduate, but the thought of not getting to walk with my sister and friends is devastating. Taking summer school, when we have a family vacation planned, is awful. Instead of enjoying my summer before college, I would be back in school. Everyone else would be out. Done. I seriously want to cry right now.

Why the hell did I do this to myself? I know exactly why. I was mad that Mason was living in my house. MY house. That bit me in the ass. Mason is great, we're friends, and now I've put both him and myself in a horrible position. I'm such an idiot.

The morning goes by so painstakingly slowly. I'm so nervous during third hour, that I go to the bathroom and throw up. I legit throw up. I don't feel good at all. It's too much. Seeing the disappointment on my parents faces after they stayed up with me the entire week. They studied with me for three weeks; I can't let them down.

By the time fourth hour rolls around I feel like passing out. When I get in and sit down, Mason won't make eye contact with me. I can't decide if that's a good or bad thing.

I'm sure it's bad.

He spends the entire hour talking about stupid stuff. Some crappy field trip he's planning. There's a museum 45 minutes away with a whole bunch of historical crap, and anyone who is interested needs to sign up by Monday. I'm not interested, so I zone out most of the time.

I start paying attention again when he starts talking about the test.

"This test was hard. Even if you got a C on this test, you should be proud of yourselves. I know I'm proud of you," he says with a funny tone in his voice. I'm starting to sweat.

He passes out each test individually, laying them face down on the desks.

He puts mine down and walks by without looking at me. Without drawing attention. I look over and see that Emma got a B+. That for her is a failing grade, and I can tell she's devastated. Trace is sitting next to me, and he got a D-. He's fine though, because he didn't slack off all year. He's still passing the stupid class.

The bell is just about to ring and I still haven't looked at mine. I can see Mason looking at me every few seconds. He's hiding his facial expression well. I can't tell if it's a good look or a bad one.

I finally get the courage and I just flip it over.

When I see my grade, my breath gets knocked out of me.

I'm not walking with my friends. I'm not getting to spend my summer with my friends. I'm spending it in summer school, retaking this damn class. I'll have a million tests, projects, and papers. All the studying I'm going to have to do is making my head spin.

I'm about to cry. I can't look at anyone. Thankfully the bell rings, letting me escape from this hell. I get out of there so fast, I don't even grab my books.

"Luke" Mason calls after me.

I ignore him. I ignore everyone as I walk to the only place I know to go. The only place that will make any of this better. The only place I want to go.

I go to see my mom.

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