~181~ Summer Is Here

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Emma's POV

Finals are finally over, and I'm done for the summer. I'm so excited. We have a big family vacation planned in about a month, but other than that, I have nothing planned. I'm so pumped. I've been so busy this year between the gym and school, that I never get to just relax.

I get into Jake's after my last final, and Jake and Sarah are waiting for me with cake and balloons.

"You're free!" Sarah squeals as she jumps up and down excitedly.

I laugh. "You guys seriously got me a cake?"

"And balloons," Jake says, rolling his eyes. It's obvious that this was all Sarah's idea. I love Sarah. I have really never had a chance to get to know her. She's calm and quiet, but nurturing and soothing. She's who I needed to help get me through the last few days of finals. Mom is great, but Sarah somehow calmed my nerves a ton. I'd never tell mom that, though. I know that would have hurt her feelings.

Jake kisses my cheek. "I'd love to stay and celebrate, but I've got a lesson with Colton in twenty minutes. You two had better save me a piece of cake when I get back."

Sarah smiles at him. "Don't punch him too hard," she smirks.

"Yes ma'am," he laughs as he leaves.

She cuts us both a piece and we sit down and eat.

"Whatcha' wanna' do tonight?" She asks as she hands me a soda.

"Sleep," I chuckle as I decline the soda and grab some water instead.

"Oh I forgot. Sorry," she smiles.

We chat for a while, and then the kids come home on the bus. As soon as they walk in the door, Sarah starts beaming. She gives Zoe a big hug, and Zoe hugs her back tightly.

"How was your test, Ethan?" She asks, giving him a hug too.

"It was ok. I'm ready for school to be out."

"Tomorrow is your last day, and I'm excited." Sarah says as she cuts them some cake. We spend the rest of the afternoon hanging out with the kids.

They're actually really cool. Zoe is definitely more on the quieter side. Some might even say "nerdier" side. She is more interested in reading and doing homework. Her favorite subject is science.

Ethan fits more into the rest of the family, as far as playing sports and things go. He fits in with the boys of the family. Zoe and I click. I was always on the nerdier side. I never had many friends. She really reminds me of me.

Jake comes in a while later, and he hugs the kids as soon as he sees them.

"Zoe, how did those atom things work for you?"

Zoe chuckles. "Um, not great...it kinda melted a little."

"What?!? Bummer. I thought that was genius," Jake says, disappointed.

"What?" I chuckle.

Zoe smirks and looks at me. "I had an end-of-the-year science project where I had to create an atom and molecule model. We thought it would be funny to use chocolate."

Jake shakes his head. "If it wasn't 80 damn degrees today, it totally woulda' rocked."

"Yeah, well, it kinda melted on the bus, and got all over my teacher's pants."

Jake laughs. "Well, it was a good idea in theory. We know for next time, huh?"

Zoe nods, her eyes lighting up. She loves Jake.

During dinner, Ethan and Jake are talking about the soccer game that's on tonight. Ethan is obsessed with soccer.

"Soccer was never my sport, but you will have to teach me. I can't be the only dad at the games not knowing what the heck I'm cheering for."

Ethan beams. He's excited that Jake is excited. He's excited he will have him there cheering him on next year.

"It's not that hard. If the ball goes in the net on their side, then cheer. If it goes in the net on our side, then don't cheer."

Jake laughs as he takes a bite of his chicken. He's in love with these kids, and they feel the same.

As we're eating, dad walks in.

"Oh sorry. Didn't mean to interrupt you guys," he says.

"You're not. Grab a plate," Jake says with a smile.

Dad smirks as he comes over and sits down. "I already ate, but thanks."

Jake just nods as he continues to eat.

"How did finals go, Emmy?" he asks, smiling at me.

"Good. I think I got A's on all of them."

Dad smiles big and nods. "Knew you could do it, my girl."

I say nothing as I take another bite.

"We miss you. I was hoping you would come back now that finals are done. You don't need to worry about Luke, Darlin'."

"No thanks. I think I will just stay here for now."

Dad is surprised. "Emma, Luke and I got into it. He won't do that again. I promise."

I nod. "I still want to stay here for a while."

"Why?" Dad asks, upset.

"Because I like it here."

That hurts his feelings. "What?"

"I'll come back, but I want to stay here for now. At least through the summer."

"So now that you're finally not busy with school, we still won't get to see you? Mom and I have been counting down the days until summer break. We've barely seen you all year."

"Dad, I'm right across the street."

Dad looks at me hard. "Man, Emma. This really sucks. Luke makes you mad, so you just leave? Didn't realize we did anything wrong in this situation."

"You didn't"

"You just want to live here, though?"

"For now, yeah."

Dad sighs and looks at Jake. "Makes sense. You've always been better with her," he says as he stands up and leaves.

I close my eyes. I didn't want to hurt him. I just really like it here. It's calm.

Jake looks at me sadly. "I'm not getting in the middle of you and your dad, Emmy. I knew it always bothered him how close we are. I won't do this to him."

"So you won't let me stay here?"

Jake sighs. "Of course I will."

"So what are you saying?"

Jake shakes his head. "Nothing, I guess."

I finish my dinner quietly, while Sarah and Zoe talk about a science program she's wanting to do this summer.

That night I'm laying in bed feeling bad. Really bad.
Maybe I should just go back. I don't want to hurt mom and dad. Jake and Sarah are just fun. The kids are fun. There's no drama here. There's never any drama here.

It's been several weeks, and I haven't really seen mom and dad at all...They've left me alone. I think I really hurt them. I haven't seen Luke at all either. Not at all. Every time Trace comes over, neither of us bring him up.

It's a few days before our huge family vacation, and it's around 9pm. Suddenly there's a knock on my bedroom door. When I open it, it's Luke. As soon as he sees me, he starts sobbing.

"What's wrong?" I ask, my anger for him immediately evaporating. He never cries...Let alone sobs.

He pulls me into a hug and cries into my hair for several minutes.

"What's wrong, Luke," I ask again after a while. He's still crying hard. Jake had seen us standing in the doorway, and shuffled the kids downstairs to give us some privacy.

After another minute, Luke pulls away and wipes his eyes, trying to stop crying.

"I'm losing her, Emma. I'm losing her and I don't know what to do," he says, sitting down and curling up in a ball, sobbing uncontrollably.

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