~168~ Is It Really Over?

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Ellie's POV

"Let's go," Taylor says as he goes over to his sister and pulls her into him.

We all go quickly to our cars. I look over at Liam, and he's got his arm around Colton, and they're hurrying to Liam's car.

I ride with the twins, Trace, Shay, and Nolan. Luke drives quickly, trying to keep up with Taylor and Liam.

I sit in the back and just look out the window. My mind keeps going to dark places. All I can think about is the fact that I'm so glad we made up earlier, and he isn't going to die with us still being mad at each other.

I shake my head. These dark thoughts need to leave now. Alex is going to be fine. He's got to be fine. I don't know how to live in a world where Alex isn't in it.

I suddenly feel a hand grab mine. I look over, and see Trace looking at me, holding my hand. I give him a small smile and kiss his cheek, and then go back to looking out the window. He doesn't let go of my hand until we get to the hospital.

Once we do, I rush in and catch up with Taylor and Lilah.

They are already at the nurses station, trying to get info.

"Mrs. Clark, your husband is in surgery right now. A doctor will be out to talk with you in a bit."

"Bullshit. I want to talk to someone RIGHT NOW!" She screams.

Taylor grabs her hand and squeezes it. Then he silently kisses her head as he pulls her to some chairs in the waiting room.

I sit next to Liam. He's trying to keep himself calm, and trying to help Colton at the same time.

I reach over and silently rub Liam's back. He looks at me, and tears fill his eyes.

"Momma," he chokes out. Then he bites his lip and looks down.

I kiss his cheek. "He's strong, Liam."

He looks at me again. "I need him here. He promised he would help me with the babies when they got here," he says, his voice cracking.

Mason reaches over and squeezes Liam's shoulders. "He will be," Mason says seriously.

Liam says nothing as he continues to look at the ground.

About twenty minutes later, the doctor comes out.

Lilah and Taylor stand up immediately. "Mrs. Clark?"


"Your husband is going to be fine," he starts.

Lilah immediately lets out a sob, and Taylor grips her tighter, steadying her.

"The bullet was lodged in his rotator cuff. We were able to get to it, and we are sewing him up now. We're going to keep him for a couple days for observation, and he will need physical therapy, but he should make a full recovery."

Taylor shakes the doctor's hand, and then picks Lilah up, hugging her tight.

Lilah sobs into Taylor's shoulder. Liam and Colton hug each other, sobbing.

Then Liam turns to me, and we hug each other tight. "I'm so sick of this shit," he cries in my neck.

I just nod. I'm ready for normalcy again. For stability. For boring. I'm ready for boring.

After another hour, they let Lilah, Colton, Savannah, and Liam go back. I sit in the waiting room with everyone else. This needs to be just the five of them for now. Lilah needs her time with her husband.

About a half hour later, Lilah comes out with a big smile. She comes over to me and hugs me tight. "He's going to be fine, Ellie. Come see him."

I nod as I stand up, and me and Taylor go back with Lilah.

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