~81~ Third Degree

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Ellie's POV

By the time I get to lunch and sit down, it's obvious that Lance and Mason are good. They are goofing around and smiling.

I've been sitting with the crew again for a while now. The first day back, they had a cake waiting for me. A literal cake.

When I got to the table, they all cheered. "The family is whole again!!!" Nick yelled. I just rolled my eyes and shoved him playfully as I sat next to him.

McKenna started to get up. "You can have your spot back" she said nervously.

I shake my head. "Nah, I'm getting pretty sick of the boss. I'll bug this knucklehead from now on" I smiled.

"Sweet. You always have the best junk food" Nick said, stealing a fry from my plate.

"Maybe I changed my mind. Mason, can you squeeze one more over there by you?"

Nick chuckled and took another fry for good measure.

It's so nice to be back. And it's awesome to not have to talk about math, or science, or biology, or whatever. Right now Nick and Mason are talking about how a kid got depantsed today, and I just settle in and enjoy the break.

Lance motions someone over. They are behind me, so I just continue eating my food.

"Hey Evan" Lance smiles. "Have a seat!"

I hear the chair squeak next to me, and I look up. I smile at him when he sits down.

"Guys, this is Evan. The math teacher I finally got hired."

We all know what he isn't saying. He is Ben's replacement.

Lance makes the introductions, and we all smile. I can see everyone staring at me out of the corner of my eye. They don't need to worry. I immediately like him. He's a good guy.

He joins in the conversation, and he is getting along with everyone. He's going to be a good fit to the group.

McKenna said something funny, and I turn and laugh at what she said. Evan is looking at me hard.

"I'm so sorry, I'm going to be rude. But what happened to your cheek? That looks like it hurt."

Everyone else freezes. Nobody likes talking about it.

I chuckle and brush it off. "This guy" I say, pointing at Nick. Nick looks at me, confused.

"What?" Evan asks.

I just nod. "Yeah. Don't play basketball with him. He gets nasty."

That wasn't a lie. Nick talked me into playing once when he found out that I used to play a tiny bit in high school. He drug me to the gym during his free period. He totally elbowed me in the ribs.

Nick starts cackling. "You're never going to let me live that down, huh?" He snorts.

"Remind me to never play with him" Evan says, going back to his food.

"Oh great. Now a rumor is getting spread that I scarred you" Nick says, not thrilled at all.

I chuckle. "I'm just kidding. He didn't do it. Just an accident a while ago."

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