~79~ Tough Love or Encouragement?

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Mason's POV

I leave and start walking. I had every intention of going for a run, but before I know it, I end up at Liam's again.

I knock, and Nora answers after a minute.

"You looked pissed" she says, motioning me in.

"I am"

"Hey Liam!" She yells up the stairs.

"Just because Savannah isn't here, doesn't mean you can wear me out, doll face. Three times in one morning is quite enough" he yells from upstairs.

Nora's face turns bright red. I can't help myself. I chuckle a little.

"Get your ass down here" she yells

"Ok, but I can't promise an A+ performance. You're cute, but you're making me tired" he says, walking down the stairs, seeing me immediately.

"Whoops!" He cackles, jumping down the last three steps and coming over.

He sees Nora, and laughs even harder. "I embarrassed her, huh?" He snorts.

"Yeah" I say, still smirking. I can't help it. It's hard to be in a bad mood around Liam. He oozes stupid. The best kind of stupid.

"Well, I really can't perform with an audience. I get stage fright. The encore will just have to wait, schnookums"

"You can be a one-man band after this" she says, smacking his butt and walking upstairs.

Liam cackles all over again. "Man I love her. What's up, buttercup?" He asks with a grin.

"Do you have enough energy after all your sex today to help a guy with a problem?"

"How big we talking?"

"I'm going to be spanking Josie momentarily."

"Oof. No. Imma need some sustenance" he says as he goes into the kitchen.

I follow him, and he starts making us some sandwiches.

He throws a bag of chips at me and gives me a soda. Once he has the sandwiches made and he takes a bite...he nods.

"Lay it on me, BFF"

I sigh as I tell him the whole story.

"Woah" he finally says, getting serious for the first time.

"Yeah. Not only have I pissed off a really good friend, I have to spank her. I HAVE TO SPANK HER"

Liam licks mustard off of his finger and shakes his head. "You could have Taylor do it"

I shake my head, too. "No. I've gotta do it"

He nods as he thinks of what to say.

"What are you wanting from me right now? Advice? You want me to just listen while you vent?"

"I guess I just needed to vent"

He nods, waiting for me to continue.

"It's just not fair. When do I get to have my life with Sasha and Drew? I'm so sick of cleaning up mom and dad's mess." I say, slamming my soda can on the counter.

Liam just silently stares at me, listening.

"I have to see my mom this weekend. I don't want to, but I have to, because they need it. When is it about what I need?"

Liam silently takes another sip of soda, and eats a chip.

"You can talk now" I snap.

He nods. "Want tough love, or encouragement?"

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