~170~ Getting Ready

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Ellie's POV

"This isn't fair. If you get to stay home, why can't I?" Nolan pouts.

Taylor gives him a look. He has never used this tone with us before.

"Well, first off, because I'm the adult. I don't need to explain myself to you," I say in a hard tone.

He just looks at me.

"So you're not even going to tell me why?" He asks, crossing his arms.

I shake my head. "You will find out tonight. I wont tell you right now."

"Why are you guys so secretive all of the time? It's starting to piss me off."

"Watch your mouth, Nolan. You curse again, you're going to be in trouble," Taylor says darkly.

"Luke cusses all the time."

Taylor rolls his eyes. "He's an adult."

Nolan just glares at him.

"You ready for school?" Taylor asks patiently.


"Ok. I'm going to take you today," he says, kissing his head.

"This is so unfair," he gripes as he slings his book bag over his shoulder.

"Yup. Get over it," Taylor says as he playfully swats Nolan's butt. Then he fake whispers.

"If you would hurry up, we will have time to grab breakfast without the warden knowing."

Nolan smirks a little.

"Bring me back some, you troublemaker," I say, smiling at Taylor and kissing Nolan.

"Be good today," I say sternly

"Yeah. Have fun not being at school. Do you even feel bad for me at all?"

"Nope" I smirk.

He sighs, rolls his eyes, and follows Taylor out the door.

I call Lance.


"Hey boss"

"What's up, Nurse?"

"Can you keep an eye on Nolan today? He's mad I'm skipping. Can you make sure he doesn't try to skip or anything?"

"I'm on it"

"Thanks. Wish me luck. Jake is going to be a dictator all day I have a feeling."

He chuckles. "My sister told the kids. She's dropping them off right after school."

"Are they nervous?"

"She didn't say."

"Ok. Have a good day. Sorry I'm taking another personal day. Don't let me take advantage of you, Lance."

"You're not, Ellie. You're helping change two of my student's lives. Have a good day with your brother, guilt-free."

"You're awesome, boss."

"I know," he laughs as he hangs up.

I go over to Jake's and he gives me a hug. He's terrified.

"Did you two get any sleep at all?" I ask, kissing Sarah on the cheek.

"What kind of a question is that? How would we have slept, knowing we're going to be parents today, Ellie?" Jake snaps.

"Ok, I'm telling you right now, Jacob Lee...You're not going to be snapping at me all damn day. Hear me? I know you two are scared out of your minds. You're going to be amazing. They are the ones who get to be scared. Not you. Suck it up, put on your big-boy panties, and deal with it. Snap at me again, and we're going to have problems."

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