~141~ Strike #1

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Ellie's POV

Katie left for her two-day retreat, and the Rossner's literally moved out in those two days. I'm talking, worked all hours of the night to get themselves moved.

The first night, the moving truck headlights had woken me up. I got up and sat outside on the deck off of our room. Taylor heard me, and got up too. He sat down next to me and held my hand as we watched two of their sons move their table into the moving van.

"Malcolm and Lynn are in their late 60s. Why on earth would they move? They have lived in this house for 40 years. It doesn't make sense," Taylor whispers as he watches.

"What doesn't make sense is why they're so scared of Katie. Why on earth are they moving at 2 in the morning? Who cares if she comes home in two days and sees them move?" I ask.

"I don't know. It's really weird."

"Yes it is."

The next night, we hear them, but don't get up to watch.

They are done moving after two days, and Katie comes home just hours after they pull out of the house for the last time.

Jake and Sarah go this afternoon to close on the house, so we will go over after and help them clean the house. We will move them in tomorrow.

When Jake and Sarah get the keys, we all go over. We're all excited as we go through the house. It takes only 20 minutes for Katie to notice and barrel over.

She barges in, and sees us in the house right away.

"WHAT THE HELL?!?" She yells, glaring at me.

I shrug. "You need to ask Jake and Sarah before you barge into their home," I say simply.

"The Rossner's sold the house to you?" She asks in a dark tone.

"No, to Jake and Sarah."

"Lynn and I made a deal," she snaps.

Taylor comes over to me. "Malcolm came to me and asked if we wanted it. I said yes. You have a problem with it, you tell me. Leave Ellie out of it."

"Oh, I have a big problem with it," she says, her voice shaking.

"Sorry to hear that, Katie," Taylor says, sounding bored.

"You're going to have a big problem with it too."

"Come again?" Taylor asks, walking closer to Katie.

"Taylor, I can destroy your world. I know something huge that will make Ellie leave you. Sell the house to me now, or I will destroy you."

Taylor chuckles. "You've got nothing, you crazy dingbat."

Everybody is standing around. Every single person in our entire family is here right now, listening.

"You sure you want me to say it here? In front of your entire posse? I will. Last chance."

"Go for it," Taylor taunts, getting closer to Katie.

She shrugs and looks at me. "Sorry Ellie, but you won't forgive him for this."

I'm suddenly getting nervous. Is Taylor hiding something from me?

I say nothing, though. Obviously if Katie really had something on Taylor, he would be nervous. He's totally at ease.

"Ok, well, don't say that I didn't give you fair warning. Ellie, the reason that Taylor really made you quit working all of those years ago, is because he felt too guilty spending your checks on something."

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