***~107~ Morning***

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I wanted to put this off for a while longer, but y'all know I get bored super easily....this next storyline may be triggering for some, so this is your official TRIGGER WARNING. It will not be as dramatic as the shooting or the wildfire (at least, I'm not planning on it...But who knows with me!) so I'm not going to spoil what it is. If you feel like you need to know before you proceed, please message me. I will, again, put asterisks (***) in the title of each chapter like before. Hope you enjoy 😀

Ellie's POV

"Ellie Jane, how can you possibly look prettier?" Taylor asks as he gets off of me and kisses me again. This was a fun morning.

We both shower quickly, trying to hurry. Our impromptu moment is leaving us scrambling for work.

"I wish you didn't have shift today" I say, putting shampoo in my hair.

He's rinsing the suds out of his own hair. "I know. I could do that a few more times at least" he smirks, smacking my butt.

"You've still got it, mister" I smile, trying to hurry as I step out and wrap a towel around myself.

He laughs as he shuts the water off and gets his own towel.

"Not so bad yourself, little lady."

By the time we're both ready to go, we're basically running.

"Next time we need to wake up earlier" he chuckles as he grabs his keys and kisses me once more.

"Keep yourself and our son safe, Chief" I say, blowing him a kiss from my car.

"We will be darling," he says, winking at me.

I get to school, on cloud 9. This has been such a fun morning already. I can't wait to see what the rest of my day is like.

Josie's POV

"Jocelyn Grace, if your ass is not in that car in one minute, we will be late to school and you will be sitting all day with a sore butt. I'm sick of waiting on you. Dylan and I are always waiting on you."

Sometimes I really hate my brother. He is always so wrapped up in Sasha that he forgets about me.

"Mason, my hair never cooperates," I say. He hurt my feelings.

"Then start waking up earlier," he snaps.

"Shut up" I say without thinking as I try to get my last piece of hair to lay correctly. Before I realize it, he's in the bathroom and he smacks my butt...Hard...three times.

"What was that?" He asks, his voice getting low.

"Ow. I have a curling iron in my hair. You almost made me burn myself." I say, trying to hide how much that just hurt.

"You now have thirty seconds before you get an actual spanking. The teacher cannot be late to his class. LET'S GO!!" He barks.

I honestly think I hate my brother. At least, the brother he is now. The post-Sasha Mason. I miss the Mason who would give me piggy-back rides down the hall, or help me slide down the banister at home. Now I just get this grump all the time.

I sniff, trying not to cry as I unplug the curling iron and spray my hair once more with hairspray. I purposely turn the can so it gets all over Mason.

He immediately coughs and turns his face, trying to get the sticky grime off of him.

"Young lady, you are officially grounded" he says as he grabs my bicep and pulls me out of the bathroom, swatting my butt as he goes.

Inferno Part 2Where stories live. Discover now