~193~ What A Sad Story That Would Have Been

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I totally forgot to give a shoutout for last chapter! tay5423 asked me a long time ago which twin was older, and it got me wondering. So, thanks so much for inspiring this chapter and last! ❤️😘

Ellie's POV

After forever, they wheel me into recovery. Taylor isn't in here, but the nurse assured me that he would be soon. I close my eyes, ignoring how uncomfortable and groggy I am. Right now my spinal hasn't worn off, so I'm not in pain. I'm just uncomfortable.

"I have never seen such a beautiful human being in my entire life," Taylor whispers in my ear. I open my eyes and see a man with twinkling eyes. He's beyond happy.

I smile at him. "How did I do, Lieutenant?"

He chuckles and kisses my lips. "Oh no you don't. That's husband to you, Ellie Jane."

"How did I do, husband?"

"You just kicked the c-sections ass!"

I smirk at him. "My tubes are now tied. No more kids for us."

"I've got everything I need. You have just given me everything. Wanna officially meet them?"

I nod and look around. Two nurses are patiently waiting with my babies.

I'm still weak and shakey from the spinal, so I can only hold one baby at a time. They give me baby boy first.

I hold him and smile. "He looks like his daddy. I'm not sure I'm even in there," I smile, tears streaming down.

"You're in there" he says with a proud smile.

I hold this wiggling little baby, and he starts rooting on my chest.

Taylor chuckles. "My boy is smart, Ellie Jane."

I smile as a nurse helps me get him latched. I never got to nurse Sasha. They had given her formula from the beginning. I was never able to produce milk after I woke up.

He immediately starts nursing, and I just close my eyes, listening to his little noises and feeling the tugging on my breast. I snuggle in and watch my baby boy. I get another boy. I get to do it again. I honestly thought I wouldn't get to.

Taylor and I watch as baby boy nurses, and Taylor holds baby girl. Suddenly baby girl let's out a scream.

"Uh oh. Can you do both?" He asks.

"Guess I'm going to have to figure it out, huh?" I say, trying not to panic.

Taylor gets her settled, and she starts nursing right away too.

"I'm suddenly feeling really bad for cows," I say, as both babies are eating at the same time.

Taylor starts laughing. "You're prettier than a cow, Ellie Jane."

Taylor watches as the twins eat. He just watches in awe, smiling at their little bodies wriggling and getting fed. Fed by me....I'm still here.

After they are done, the nurse takes them and puts them in their little beds. After an hour or so later, they get me set up in my room. I still can't move my legs. It's such a weird feeling.

A few hours later I get my first set of visitors:

Alex, Lilah, Liam and Sasha.

Liam and Sasha beam when they see me. Sasha reaches for me, and Taylor gently puts her at my side.

"You be very careful with momma, Sasha. Momma has an ouchie," he says seriously.

"Momma ow?" She asks, looking at me hard.

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