~188~ Make The Crab Un-Crabby

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Ellie's POV

It's been several days since Nolan's almost drowning, and we've gotten back into an amazing rhythm. We're having such a fun time, and vacation is flying by.

Much to Mason's dismay, the older kids have still been totally perfect. He hasn't been worried this entire time, until yesterday. He's actually starting to get nervous.

Taylor and I are walking the beach, watching the sun set and feeling the waves lap up around our ankles.

"Man I want to move here," I say, stopping to watch a dolphin jump in the distance.

He nods. "Yeah, but our home is pretty great. Plus, then we'd have to deal with hurricanes. Heaven knows we don't need another potential for a natural disaster."

I chuckle. "Yeah, I know. One week a year just isn't enough."

He kisses my head. "K. When I retire, we will buy a beach house, and we can come down here a lot."

"Sounds perfect, Chief"

"Spoiler alert, I have no plans on retiring anytime soon."

"Sounds perfect, Chief," I say, wrapping my arms around his waist.

"Know what we haven't done in years?" He asks

"What's that?"

"Sex on the beach."

"There's still some light out, ya goon."

He chuckles. "We could sneak out tonight."

"Taylor, the last time we did that, I had a crab trying to get friendly. It's not as romantic as it looks in movies. Plus, I was getting sand out of places for a week."

Taylor laughs loudly and slings me over his shoulder.

"Can't have no crab gettin' frisky with my wife," he laughs as he smacks me on the butt.

"Put me down," I chuckle.

He does, and tucks me into his side. Together we continue watching the sun set and the waves crash.

The next morning I get up and sit on the deck, watching the ocean. I'm completely obsessed with the ocean. It's my happy place.

Mason and Liam come out and sit with me.

"You guys are up early, I say, kissing them both on the cheek.

Liam nods. "We've been eating fried food for days, and frankly momma, it's not good for my waistline. We're going to go running on the beach. Wanna come?"

"No. It's exercise. Don't wanna exercise on vacation."

"Since when?" He snorts. "You used to drag Taylor outta' bed early to run. He'd get so irritated."

"Yeah? Well I was younger than you are. I'm old now."

"You were younger than me?"

"Yeah, kid. That beach trip we took with Taylor, I was only 32."

"DANG!!!!! I always thought you were so old."

"Well thanks, Liam," I say, rolling my eyes.

Taylor chuckles from behind us. "Your mom was hot as hell, kid...she still is."

"Aaaannnnnddddd on that note...let's go BFF before I beg a shark to come eat me."

Mason cackles as he stands up, and we watch the two dorks run down the beach. We also watch Liam try to de-pants Mason, but Mason was able to hike them back up in time. We can hear their laughs from here.

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