~145~ Blast From The Past

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Emma's POV

I get out of class and I head for the gym. I have a new client today, and my first kickboxing lesson with them is at 4:40. I always get a little nervous when I have a new client on the books. The people I've been working with for a year or so aren't a big deal, but the new ones make me nervous. What if it's a middle-aged man, and they're annoyed that a twenty year old girl is teaching them. It's just awkward.

I get into the gym and go to the locker room to change out. Then I put my stuff in and lock my locker. As I'm walking out, I see Jake in his office.

"Hey," I smile as I sit on the edge of his desk.

"Hey yourself!" He smirks, leaning back in his chair and chewing on a pen.

"Watcha' doing in here? You're never in here."

He sighs and nods. "I'm getting behind on paperwork. We've had 30 membership sign-ups just today."

"That's awesome!"

"Yeah, it's awesome, but I think I need to hire an admin. I can't keep up with all of this."

I just nod.

"Think Shay could use a job?" He asks.

I shake my head. "She doesn't have time. She's going crazy as it is. The first performance of the play she's starring in premiers in two weeks. She's barely been home."

"Damn, I forgot about that," Jake says as he looks at his calendar. "When's opening night?"

"March 9. We're all going to the 7:00 pm show."

Jake writes it down on his calendar and nods. "Sarah and I will be there."

"Well, I'll have to advertise a job opening, I think. I have two private lessons this next hour, and I have to get these memberships logged. I can't keep working late hours or Sarah is going to kick my ass."

I sigh. "I wish I could help, but I have two lessons, and then a late class tonight."

Jake smirks. "You're pulling your weight, partner. Go do your lessons, so you can get even smarter at your class tonight. I don't want a dumb business partner," he chuckles.

I smile as I leave his office. "Any idea who my new client is?" I ask on my way out.

"I've got his name written down here somewhere, but I haven't gotten a clue where. Check the log, maybe," he says, stressed.


As I go to the front desk in the gym, I start looking through the log. Once I see who my client is, I have to do a double take. Surely this isn't right.

"Emma?" I hear a familiar voice ask.

I look up, and sure enough....Owen O'Neill, my ex boyfriend.


He smiles and nods. This guy is somehow even cuter than he was when I dated him. He's gotten more muscular. His shoulders more broader. He's even grown some facial hair.

"Man, how's it been? I had no idea you worked here. It should have clicked with me when the guy on the phone said I was going to work with Emma," he chuckles.

I smile and bite my lip. "It's good. Is this going to be too weird for you? I could switch clients with my uncle if you want."

He shakes his head and continues to smile. "Not too weird for me. If it is for you, it's cool."

"It's not," I smile as I come around the desk and go over to him. He's gotten taller too. More muscular, more taller, more handsome.

"You look great," he says as he follows me to the ring.

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