~127~ Shacking Up By The Pie

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Ellie's POV

Wes, Taylor, and I are in the kitchen, having some pie. Taylor is getting to where he pouts if there isn't some sort of pie in the house at all times.

It's now been a little over two weeks since the whole Katie fiasco, and Wes is miserable. Absolutely miserable.

Meg walks in the door, and we're all stunned. This is the first time she has been over. I see her everyday. I'm trying to help her through it. This is the first time she has willingly seen Wes.

Wes immediately stands up and walks over to her. He goes to give her a hug and she backs up.

"Don't touch me," she spits.

He sighs and nods.

"Hi baby," he says softly.

She silently hands him a stack of papers.

He looks at them briefly, and then chuckles darkly.

"Megan, I've given you space. I've respected your wishes, because I know I screwed up...But there's no way in hell I'm signing divorce papers," he says, slamming them roughly down on the table.

Taylor stands up and grabs my hand.

"We will give you guys some space," he says.

"Sit your ass down, Taylor," Megan spits.

Taylor's eyes widen, but he does what she said. It's SO weird seeing her like this.

"Sign the damn papers, Wes."

He shakes his head. "No way in hell. I didn't cheat on you."

"Yes you did."

"NO I DIDN'T," he screams.

She flinches and her eyes fill with tears.

"Yes you did," she says softly. Sadly.

"Meg, I didn't. I was stupid, but I was faithful. I was always faithful. I've given you space, because you deserved that. I didn't actually think you would go through with serving me papers. I will not sign them. You will have to sue me. Our marriage is worth more than this."


"How can you say that?!?"

She looks down and shakes her head. "If it meant anything, you would have left when she kissed you."

He nods. "You're right about that. I didn't handle that right at all. I was so focused on the job, Meggy. I couldn't see past the job."

"Don't call me that," she spits.

He inches closer to her and she takes another step back.

"It was always about the job."

She shakes her head and wipes a tear away. "I might have believed that, but you cheated."

"I DIDN'T CHEAT!!!" He screams. He screams so loudly, even Taylor jumps.

"EMOTIONALLY YOU DID," she screams, starting to sob.


She cries hard for another minute, and then straightens her back. "You told her you wanted more kids. We have never even told Ellie and Taylor that. You said I wasn't a good enough mom to have more kids," she sobs, leaning against the counter for support.

"Baby, that's not what I said," he says desperately.

She is crying too hard to hear him.

He silently waits until she calms down enough.

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