~158~ Finding Our Rhythm

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Ellie's POV

Nolan and I take the rest of the week (2 days) off of school, just to regroup. We both needed it. I kinda think Taylor did too. We spend the next two days, plus the weekend, trying to get past the last few weeks. Nolan won't talk about it. We've tried, but he's once again, acting totally fine.

"Nolan, was Justin nice to you?" I ask again the night before we start school.

"He was fine," he says simply.

"Are you lying?"

"No ma'am. I learned my lesson from last time," he smirks.

I roll my eyes while Taylor chuckles.

"So what did you two do?"


"You did nothing for three weeks?"

He shrugs. "He took me to a bunch of photographers."

"Oh yeah?"

Nolan just nods.

"You're really not going to tell me about it?"

"What's to tell? They told me to say cheese, so I did," he smiles.

I know that's a lie. If he did smile, he would still be with Justin.

I just drop it though. It's so hard to know how far to push him. Taylor and I exchange a look, and I know I need to quit. Taylor is basically screaming at me to shut up in his mind right now.

"Excited to go back to school tomorrow?"

Nolan smiles, and it reaches his eyes. "Yeah, I really am. I missed my friends more than I thought I would."

"I'm sure they missed you too."

He still smiles as he nods. "Anything cool happen while I was gone?"

"I'm not sure," I chuckle.


I think about lying to him, but I decide not to. If I want him to be transparent with me, I need to be with him.

"I haven't been there."

"Not at all?" He asks in horror.

I just shake my head.


I look at him. "My heart was broken, love. I barely got out of bed most days."

Taylor grabs my hand and kisses it.

"Really?" Nolan asks as he tries to hide his emotion.

"We love you, Bud," I say simply.

He just nods, turning his attention back to the TV.

The ride to school the next morning is quiet. I'm actually really nervous. I really hope Lance isn't mad. I hope my job is safe. I completely just quit coming to work for three weeks. I never even called...
Taylor did. That would have gotten anyone else fired. I really hope he isn't mad.

I kiss Nolan goodbye and we go our separate ways. I walk straight into Lance's office. He's talking with someone in his office.

As soon as he sees me, he gives me a hard look.

"Cassie, can we finish this during your free period? I can come to your class."

"Sure, Lance," she says with a smile.

He's still looking at me hard. He's really, really mad.

Dang it.

She leaves and he comes around, shutting the door.

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