~43~ The Talk

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Ellie's POV

Something heavy is going on with Mason and Sasha but we don't know what. I'm concerned, though. I'm really concerned.

Mason comes downstairs around 9. He's in sweats and a t shirt. He looks like he's in a better mood, so hopefully they made up.

"Go on upstairs for the night guys, he says to the kids. His voice is off and his face is funny. He doesn't look mad, but he's off. Taylor and I exchange a look. He notices too.

Once they are upstairs, Mason sits down on the couch next to Luke.

"Can I talk to you two for a couple minutes?" He asks, sounding completely exhausted.

We both just nod.

Luke can sense the tension. "Welp, that's my cue. Night guys" he says, giving me and Taylor a kiss goodnight.

"Night love" I say.

We both just wait silently for Mason to talk. It takes him a couple minutes. He puts his feet on the coffee table and leans back on the couch, putting his hands on his head. This can't be good.

He finally looks at us and shakes his head. "Sasha and I were moments away from breaking up tonight" he says, biting his lip, trying not to cry.

I say nothing as I stand up and go over to him, sitting down and rubbing his back gently. I don't know what happened and I don't care. I consider him my son, and right now, my son is hurting.

He looks at me and tears fill his eyes. Then he looks at Taylor.

"You two need to know that you have done an extraordinary job raising her. You've raised one hell of a woman."

Taylor's face immediately softens. He needed to hear that. We always wondered if we should have done more with her. He was always way easier on her than he should have been.

"I know that when everything went down with me, it was hard for you. I'm sorry. But I need you to know that you've raised a strong, confident woman."

Taylor clears his throat and nods. "Thank you, Mason" he says simply.

"She almost broke up with me tonight. She gave me an ultimatum."

Damn. What happened tonight?

"She's tired of the disrespect from the kids. Josie manipulated me today, and it destroyed Sasha. Sasha is done. She told me that I either need to spank them, or she's done."

Taylor's face probably matches mine. We're shocked. More than shocked. Floored. We're so dang proud of our girl.

"What did you decide?" Taylor finally asks.

Mason sighs and looks at the ground. Then he looks at Taylor. "Sir, one day, when I can afford a ring, I will be asking your blessing to marry your daughter. I'm not doing it yet. I won't ask you for your blessing until I can look you in the eye and tell you that I can provide for her. Provide her a home, and financial stability. I have plans to in the next year or so, though. I can't lose her. I'm going to start spanking them."

Taylor and I just keep staring in shock at one another. What in the freaking twilight zone happened up there?

"You're going to start spanking them?" Taylor finally asks.

Mason chuckles. "Well, I'm hoping you will, at first. Until I can work up the courage to."

"Are you sure this is what you want? I'm not interested in pushing my beliefs or opinions onto you."

Mason thinks about that for a second. "It's not what I want at all, but I want Sasha. I want my family. She made her feelings clear and I have to respect that. If spanking them will help them grow up the way that Sasha, Luke, and Emma have, then I'll do it. I will hate every second, but I'll do it."

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