~152~ I'm Always Ok, Sir

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Ellie's POV

Nolan and I are riding to school, and he's pretty quiet this morning. He's not even a big talker, but he does joke around or make small talk with me some on the way to school most mornings. He's completely quiet today.

"You ok?"

"Cool as a cucumber," he smirks.

"Nolan, you don't always have to act ok."

He looks at me, and raises his eyebrows. "I'm fine, Ellie."


We get to school and I get started with my day. A couple hours later, Lance peeks his head in. "Can you come to my office?"

"Crap. What did I do, Principal Mills?"

He smirks. "Nothing"

I get in and he shuts the door.

"You're shutting the door? Seriously Lance, what's wrong?"

He looks at me seriously and sits down at his desk.

"I'm not sure"

I nod, sitting down myself.

"I've had several teachers express concern."


He just nods.

"Is he not behaving?"

"No, he is. He's perfect. He's polite and considerate. It's just, some of his work is a little concerning."

"How so?"

"Ellie, can he read?"


"If he can read, we don't think it's well. We have a feeling he's been having friends do his homework for him. He has a lot of friends. Everybody absolutely adores him."

"Have you contacted his old school?"

He sighs. "Yeah. He hardly ever went. When he did, he got caught having friends turn in his work for him."

I sigh and put my head in my hands for a minute.

"So they don't think he can read?"

Lance looks at me hard. "Not well. We want to test him and see what his grade level is. Dyslexia isn't being ruled out either."

"How has nobody at his old school caught this?"

"Ellie, the mom never sent him. The grandma I guess did when she could, but she was old and sick for several years before she died. He took care of his grandma."


He just nods, sadly.

"Why haven't you told me this sooner? Why did the social worker not tell me this?"

"Don't be mad," he says seriously.

I just glare at him.

"I talked to her yesterday. I was trying to get all of my ducks in a row first. She had told Justin all of this in the beginning."

"YOU'RE KIDDING!!!! My ass of a brother knew this and didn't tell me?!?"

Lance just nods.

I just shake my head. I'm completely and utterly frustrated.

That afternoon when we get home, I take Taylor upstairs and tell him. He's just as stunned as I am. Finally he sighs. "Come on."

"What are we going to do?"

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