~67~ Not His Night

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Ellie's POV

When we get home, Taylor and Dylan are actually talking a tiny bit. Not much, but a little.

"Is she the lady who spits when she talks?" Taylor asks him.


Then he turns and looks at me. "Ellie Jane, wasn't there a teacher there that spit when she talked?"

"You're thinking of Greiner. She was the one who ate Liam's dang frog."

Taylor's eyes light up as he starts nodding. "That's right" he chuckles. "Is she still there?"

"Thank heavens, no. She hated Liam. Working with her would have been awkward."

Taylor snorts as he pulls me into a hug. "I'm so glad you don't spit when you talk"

I smack him on the butt. "Behave"

He raises his eyebrows. "I'll have you know, Ellie Jane, that watching that poor kid write 1,000 sentences has been torture. My hand was aching just watching him."

"Think about how poor Dylan feels" I chuckle, smirking at Dylan.

Mason rolls his eyes. "Poor Dylan is just fine. I feel bad for the kid who drank his pee. Man, Dyl, I'm still pissed about it."

Dylan says nothing. He knows he would be in trouble if he did.

"What's for dinner?" Taylor asks me.

"Well, see, I was kinda hoping my handsome hubby would take pity on a tired wife and order pizza, so she didn't have to cook."

Taylor looks at Dylan. "Whoops"

"Whoops what?"

"Well, I kinda broke the kid out of jail and took him to a pizza buffet for lunch."

"Oh fantastic. You two get to loaf around all day, and now the rest of us don't get pizza?" I pout.

"Woah. Hold on to your stethoscope, Nurse Preston. I'll get it for ya. Dylan and I will just suffer. Three meals of takeout is going to cost me at least a ten mile run tomorrow."

"Three meals?"

"Er, yeah, we went out for breakfast too."

"Taylor Reed"

"Don't worry, baby girl. I'll make the sacrifice. If pizza is what you want, pizza is what you'll get."

I roll my eyes and shove him playfully.

Sasha comes in, and Drew immediately reaches for his dad. I love this stage. When they recognize you and are excited to see you. It's beautiful.

"Come here, my dude" Mason says, taking him and kissing him a bunch.

Drew let's out a belly laugh as he grabs a fistful of hair.

"Already wanting to wrestle, huh?" Mason chuckles, hugging him tight.

"How was he for Megan?"

"Fussy" Sasha says. "His tummy was hurting all day."

"Poor guy" he says, staring hard into Drew's eyes.

"Aww, he just needed his grandpa. Come on, Andy-Man" Taylor says, reaching for Drew.

Drew flashes him the same smile that Sasha has, and reaches for his grandpa.

Taylor lifts him above his head, and then blows bubbles on his tummy. Drew is chortling so hard, he looks like he's about to go to the bathroom.

Unfortunately for Taylor, that's exactly what happened. Poor Drew's tummy must have really been hurting. He goes so much, that it goes out his diaper, out his clothes, and all over Taylor's head.

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