~119~ New Handyman

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Ellie's POV

As soon as I hear him come in the bedroom, I turn the light on and sit up.

"You seriously left all night? What the hell is wrong with you?" I yell.

He shuts the door quickly and glares at me. "Keep it down. Josie is asleep and Emma is actually asleep too. Don't you dare go Ellie Freeman and wake Emma up or she will never get back to sleep," he whispers.

"Quit saying 'Ellie Freeman' like a curse word," I snap.

"Well, sometimes it is," he snaps back.

I cross my arms and glare daggers at him. He undresses and shoots the daggers right back at me.

"Tay, what is going on?"

He shakes his head as he strips down to his boxers. "Nothing"

"I'm not dropping this. Start talking."

He climbs in bed and lays down, trying to roll over.

"Nope," I snap as I straddle my legs and sit on him.

"Get off, Eleanor," he hisses.

"You're going to have to make me," I snap again.

"Quit acting tough," he spits as he grabs me by the waist and pushes me off. Then he rolls back over.

That made me mad.

Ok, so I'm sure you're thinking that I'm a brat....Well, I've never claimed to be a saint. I take both of my feet and put them on his butt. Then I push as hard as I can, and knock him outta' the bed, and onto his ass.

He turns around and his face is so menacing, if I didn't know his character, I'd be wondering if he would slug me.

"What. The. Hell" he says, enunciating each word.

"Start. Talking. Taylor," I enunciate back.

He shakes his head and sits on the edge of the bed, his back facing me.

"I feel like I'm losing my best friend," he says sadly.

I scoot over and put my chin on his shoulder.


"Because this isn't Wes. The man used to be so shy before I met you, that he would NEVER bring a girl home. If it wasn't for Liam, I truly don't think he and Megan would be together right now. He has only slept with two people, including Megan. He was so shy, he would sit there and drink his beer when I would hit on everyone. Girls would try, and he would be too nervous to flirt back. So why is he laughing with Katie and letting her touch his back? Why was he even in her room? No damage was done to her room."

"You don't know that he was. Right now it's just a rumor."

"He was. I saw him in there tonight."

"Doing what?"

"Looked like he was hanging up a clothes rod in her closet."

"So you've been spying on him all night?"

"Not all night. But I did for a while."


"Ellie, I've looked out for that man since I met him. We went through the academy together. He has always had my back and I have always had his. We have saved each other's lives countless times. Right now he's walking through a fire, and I'm sitting there letting him without backup. You're telling me I can't rescue him. I have to just watch him burn," he says, his voice cracking. I can tell he's starting to cry.

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