~180~ The Grass Isn't Always Greener

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Ellie's POV

Once Emma leaves with her bags, Taylor turns on Luke again.

"You listen to my words, and you listen very carefully, Lucas Reed. This is MY house. Your mother and I, we own this house. Hear me? You're an adult now, which means you can get your ass out if you're not happy here. You're living in my home, rent free. You pay for NOTHING. Your mom still does your laundry. She still cooks your food. She all but wipes your ass, still. You think you're going to scream at my daughter, and she's the one that's going to leave? Hell no. I'm leaving her be until finals are over, but then I'm convincing my daughter to come back. If you have a problem with it, then you can GET THE HELL OUT!!!" He screams.

Luke is furious. "So now you're kicking me out?!?"

Taylor rolls his eyes and gets in his face.

"I thought I told you to listen to my words carefully. I said IF. YOU. HAVE. A. PROBLEM. WITH. IT."

Luke is not happy.

"She's going to break his heart!"

"So?" Taylor shrugs.

Luke's eyes widen. "What?"

"So what? I love Trace as my own. You know that...But so what? Would it suck ass? Yeah. Is it a reason for you to stick your nose into a place that doesn't belong? Nope. Grow up and butt out."

"No. You didn't see him the last time, dad. It was awful," he says, getting choked up.

"I've been through a devastating breakup before, kid. I don't need you to act like I don't know how it feels."

"Good. Then wouldn't you have wanted someone to prevent it from happening?"

Taylor thinks about that for a minute. "Ok, I'll give that to you. If Wes could have prevented mom from breaking up with me, then yes. I would have wanted that. But there's nothing anyone could have done. I did it. I cheated on mom. I lost her for a bit."

"So it's ok if Emma cheats with Owen? You think that magically all would be well again?"

Taylor thinks again for another minute.

"Luke, I'm asking you a hard question right now. Ready?"

Luke nods.

"A car is coming at Trace and Emma. You can save one of them from getting hit. Who you pushing out of the way?"

"Emma," he says without hesitation.

Taylor nods. "Why?"

"She's my sister"

"So you're saying that to you, sister trumps best friend?"

"That's not what I said."

"Yeah it is. Do you not want Emma to be happy?"

"She is happy"

"But what if Owen could make her happier?"

"What the hell are you even saying?!?" Luke asks, raising his voice.

"Are Trace and Emma meant for each other? Yes. I honestly think they are. I truly think they will get married. But I'm saying WHAT IF. What if Owen, or somebody else is better suited for her? Wouldn't you want her to be with who makes her the happiest?"

Luke says nothing.

"I'm telling you to butt out. They are not married. They are in a committed relationship, but they aren't married. If she decides Trace doesn't give her everything she's needing, she's allowed to find someone who does. I personally think that Trace does give her everything she needs. I don't think she's interested in Owen at all. But it's not my business. It's not your mom's business. It's not your business. Know who's business it is?.......Trace and Emma's."

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