~59~ Just Need A Second

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I'm sure you can imagine what this trigger warning is about, considering the way the last chapter ended, but if you would like more details before reading this chapter, please private message me ❤️

Ellie's POV

I just stand there for a moment, trying to get my brain to register. Ben is in my kitchen. Ben is going to attack me.

"You know, Ellie...I've been with a lot of woman. However, you are the one I can't get out of my mind, though. You are the most extraordinary creature I have ever met."

"Get out of my house" I say, trying to sound more confident than I feel.

"Oh, don't worry your pretty little head about that. I will. You and I are going to have a little fun, first" he says, licking his lips again and leaning back on my counter.

"Taylor will be home any minute."

He snorts. "Well, that's a crock of shit. I'm amazing at many things, Ellie...But patience is a speciality of mine. I've been planning this since the moment I first met you. I'm actually a little bummed it's coming to an end. I'm going to have to think of something else to do to occupy my time. Any who, I know that Taylor, your son, and the man across the street are working tonight."

Damn it

"So what's the plan? You attack me and then you think you will just go on tomorrow, business as usual?" I ask, crossing my arms.

He chuckles. "Man I'm going to miss your sassy mouth. Don't be silly. Not only am I patient, I'm thorough. I've been studying you. You're beautiful, but you sure are a horrible driver. You're gonna get into a car accident tonight. I'm so sorry, Ellie. Too young to die. If only you would have had your Chief of a husband teach you road safety."

So not only is he going to rape me, he's planning on killing me. At least I got my kids through school. I won't get to watch my grandkids grow up, but some people don't get as long as I have had. I've had a great life. I should be grateful.

I'm not grateful. I haven't had enough time.

"You know, you're being quieter than I figured. You're always so big and bad. Where's that girl? Or is she a fake? Are you really just a little b**** who likes to act tough?"

I let out a dark chuckle. "Why don't you come over here and find out?" I taunt.

Damn it. What the hell is wrong with me? Why can't I keep my stupid mouth shut? That's what he wanted. His eyes are bright with excitement. He's ready.

"Don't have to beg, baby" he says as he stalks over slowly. I'm studying his body language. He's walking slowly, gauging my reaction. I just hold my ground, glaring at him.

"This will be a lot more fun if you would sass me right now" he says, closing in on the distance between us.

I see his face twitch. I can tell he's going to strike quick and fast. He's trying to throw me off with how slowly he's walking.

I'm right. The moment he's next to me, he immediately reaches out to grab me. I sidestep, and get out of his reach.

His eyes light up. "Damn. You really are an extraordinary creature. I'm going to thoroughly enjoy tonight." He says as he lunges for me and grabs my wrist.

As soon as his hand is around my right wrist, I use my left hand to punch him in the face. Hard. That surprises him, and he lets me go to inspect his nose.

I just need a second!

I sidestep around him and try to make it for the front door. He's blocking the back one.

Inferno Part 2Where stories live. Discover now