~195~ Baby A and Baby B

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The name suggestions you all gave me were amazing. A couple jumped at me and I immediately knew that they were the ones. I loved SO many of them, that I'm keeping the Author's Note up so I can reference back and use other names at a later date. As always, if I use your name, you will get credit.

Given the nature of the one twin's heart defect, a trigger warning is in place.

Thanks for sticking with me. Now, let's meet these twins ❤️

Ellie's POV

Today is the day that Nora is going in for her c-section. We're all on edge. Surgery in and of itself is scary. Having a baby is scary. Tack on one of them having a known health issue? It's scary. It's really, really scary. Unfortunately, it's sucking some of the joy and excitement out of their arrival.

Liam wanted a bunch of us there in the waiting room. Only Liam can go back during the c-section, because of how serious Baby B's condition is. So, the majority of the adults and young adults are going.

Izzy and Josie are staying behind and keeping the toddlers, but the rest of us are going.

Taylor and I are driving silently, holding hands. Two more grand babies are being born today, and I don't feel happy. I feel dread. Reminds me of when my own twins were born.

We get to the hospital, and they take Liam and Nora to L&D. The rest of us just patiently wait. By patiently waiting, I really mean, impatiently.

Alex can't stop shaking his leg. Taylor has been fidgeting like crazy, and Mason has been pacing for the last half hour.

We already love these babies so much. SO MUCH. They're already apart of this family. We're so anxious and nervous. This is not fun. It's not how it's supposed to be.

It's been a couple of hours, and we're starting to get nervous. We have heard nothing...Absolutely nothing.

"Surely they have taken them by now, right?" Taylor asks me quietly.

I shrug. "I wonder if it's more serious than we realized," I say softly.

Taylor sighs and puts his head down. The c-section started two hours ago, and we have heard nothing. The news must not be good.

Another half an hour later, and Liam walks out in scrubs, a cap, and his mask down off of his face. He still has the plastic around his shoes as he comes into the waiting room. We all stop talking and just stare at him.

I can't read my son's face. For one of the first times in his entire life, I can't read his face. I have no idea if we have one granddaughter alive, or both. No idea how Nora is. No idea.

I have no idea.


Liam's POV

Seeing Nora on the operating table is the hardest thing. I can't bring myself to look over the curtain. I'm a firefighter for crap's sake. I see blood all the time. I see gore all the time.

I can't for the life of me bring myself to look over and see my wife cut opened like a damn fish that's being filleted.

I'm holding her hand, listening to the sickening sounds. The medicine they've given her is making her shake. I'm shaking from nerves, but she's violently shaking from the medicine. Her teeth are even chattering. My poor girl. I wish I could take her place.

I wish my mom could be here. I've fooled myself all of these years. I'm continually trying to convince myself that I'm not a momma's boy...But I am. I'm a damn momma's boy, and I need my mom here, telling me that it's going to be ok. My wife is going to be ok. BOTH of my daughters will be ok. Both of them.

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