~182~ Who Are You Texting?

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Luke's POV

This was a bad one, and I don't even know if we're still together anymore. I leave, because I'm so pissed, that I can't be around her. If I'm around her for one more second, I know I'll do something bad. I slam the door and go downstairs.

I walk past mom and dad downstairs, ignoring them. I don't want to talk to them. I could talk to mom. I know she would help me, but she will just turn around and tell dad. I don't want dad to know. I'm still so pissed at him for what he said a few weeks ago.

Let's all just keep one foot out the door in our relationships, because more than likely someone better will come along. What kind of crocka' shit is that? He's supposed to be my role model? No wonder he cheated on mom with that mentality.

So, I go to the person I've completely pissed off.
The person who is always there for me. The person I'm missing like crazy.

I go and see Emma.

I walk in Jake's house without knocking, and Sarah sees me right away. I have no idea where Emma's room is in this house.

As I'm looking around, Sarah talks. "Upstairs, first door on the right, Luke," she says quickly.

I don't even acknowledge her as I go where she says. I'm barely holding in my tears. They're burning under the surface, about to spill. Once they do, I don't know if I'll be able to stop them.

The moment I see her, I can tell she's who I'm needing. I don't say anything as I start crying. I can't even tell her what's wrong, I just need her. I need her to fix this. I need her to help me fix this. She's always the one who fixes things for me.

I fold into her and cry. She just holds me, running her hand up and down my left arm. Once I crumble to the ground, she goes down too, and puts her hand on my back, patiently waiting for me to quit being such a baby.

By the time I can even look at her, she's blurry. I take a deep breath and wipe my eyes, trying to keep some sort of dignity. Once I've been quiet for a few minutes, she finally speaks.

"Talk to me, Luke."

I nod and wipe my eyes. When I start speaking, my voice is shaky. I'm trying not to cry again.

"I think she's going to leave me."


I sniff and look at the ground. "Because I'm not good
enough for her."

She gives me a pained look and grabs my hand. Then she reaches over and shuts the door, standing up, and pulling me to stand. She leads me to her bed, and pushes me down gently. I lay my head on her pillow, and feel stupid hot tears falling down my temples and into my hair. I'm a mess.

"The day Owen moved in, Shay and I had gotten in a fight. That's why I blew up at you."

"Tell me about the fight."

I nod as I remember what started this whole mess.


Shay got done with her class, and was in the apartment on her phone. I come in and sit down next to her, kissing her head.

"Who ya texting?" I ask with a smirk.

"No one," she smiles, putting her phone down.

"You won't tell me?"

"Tell you what, Luke?"

"Who you're texting."

"Why do I need to tell you?" She asks, getting annoyed.

"What are you hiding, Shay?"

Inferno Part 2Where stories live. Discover now