~93~ Trust Me

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Ellie's POV

The next morning before we leave for school, I make Josie show me her paper. I read it, and nod. "This is good, lady. The next time you decide to write about someone, you had better get their permission first. Am I understood?"

She nods and looks at Dylan. Dylan looks away. He's still not happy with her.

The ride to school is quiet. They're both bummed they are grounded. They both had plans after school and they are not happy with each other. Josie's feelings are hurt and Dylan is mad.

As we start walking into the school, I talk.

"Don't test me. You both better meet me in my office after school. Dylan, if you go play basketball with Colton you're in trouble. Josie, if you and Izzy go to the mall, you're in trouble. Hear me?"

"Yeah" they both say at the same time as they go inside and walk to their classes.

When I get to lunch that afternoon, I notice something funny. I think McKenna has a crush on Lance. She and I have become friends. I absolutely adore her. But I notice that when Lance sits down, she gets a little fidgety. Nervous. Excited.

I'm kinda sad, actually. I don't think Lance is interested in her at all. McKenna is amazing. I just don't see why Lance and Nick can't see past people's appearances. McKenna is pretty. She has auburn hair and freckles. She is darker than me, but not by much.

Lunch goes well. It's so weird not to have Mason at lunch. I'm really missing those two.

When lunch is over, I go get some more work done for an hour.

Before I realize what I'm doing, I get up and go into Lance's office. He's on the phone when I stick my head in, but he motions me in.

I go in, shut the door, and sit in a chair.

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Casey, but I cannot allow him to come back to school until next week....No, I understand that, but what he did was very serious.....If you disagree with my decision, I would be happy to have you talk with my boss....I understand."

He hangs up the phone loudly.

"Man, parents piss me off. It's never their perfect, angel of a kid who did it. It was always someone else's fault." He gripes, looking at me in disgust.

I chuckle.

"What's up?" He asks, shaking his head, trying to get un-frustrated.

"Got a personal question for you, Lance."

He smirks. "Shoot"

"You dating anyone?"

That question surprises him. "You came here to ask me that?" He chuckles.

I just nod.

"Uh, no. I mean, I have been seeing someone casually, but we're not dating."

"So you're single?"

"You asking me out, MRS. Preston?" He teases.

I laugh. "I think you should ask McKenna out."


"You know, the cute girl that sits next to you at lunch?"

"Why on earth would I ask her out?" He asks, with a little more attitude than I was expecting.

"Don't you think she's nice?"

"Of course I do. I also think Mr. Napa is nice, but I don't want to ask him out."

I chuckle. "You don't think she's cute?"

"Where is this coming from?" He asks, a little annoyed.

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