~101~ Blinding Pain

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Mason's POV

I'm in class, doing my lecture. Savannah and Colton are in this one.

"Savannah, turn around" I say sternly. It's so hard being a teacher with Savannah and Colton. It's not  that hard with Josie and Dylan, and it wasn't too bad with Luke, Emma, and Trace...It is with these two for some reason. Probably because Liam is her dad and his brother. It's weird having a teacher hat on, when just yesterday I was over at their house goofing off with them.

She looks at me, but thankfully does what I say. I finish my lecture, and then give them the last fifteen minutes of class.

"Savannah, can you come here for a minute?"

She nods and follows me out to the hall.

"I'm tired of always telling you to quit talking. When I'm talking, you're listening."

"No offense, Mason, but you're boring." She says, crossing her arms.

"First of all, it's Mr. West when we're here. Keep it up, and I'll give you detention. This boring teacher is getting frustrated with you. Don't make me tell your dad."

"So you will tattle on me?"

"Yup. I'll also give you detention. Last chance to lose your attitude."

She glares at me, but says nothing.

"I know I gave the class free time, but not you. Since you couldn't quit talking during my class, you are sitting there quietly now. If I catch you talking, you're getting detention and I'm telling your dad. Hear me?"

"Yes sir" she grumbles as she glares at me.

I sigh as I open the door and we go back in.

Thankfully for both of us, she listened. She sits quietly and works on homework, while everyone else is talking. I even see Colton tap her on the shoulder, and she just shakes her head no. He looks at me, and then leaves her alone for the rest of the hour.

My next class I have Josie. She comes in, and she has a major attitude.

"Mason, my book bag is stuck." She says, throwing it at me. I notice several students look at us, and are surprised that she called me Mason. I allow her and Dylan to. It's weird making my brother and sister call me Mr. West.

"What's wrong with it?" I ask, picking it up and looking at it.

"The stupid zipper is stuck"

I see what she's talking about, and start working on getting it un-stuck.

"What did you do to this?" I ask, trying not to break the stupid thing.

"How the hell do I know?" She snaps loudly.

"Watch your mouth" I say sternly. Everybody could hear her.

She sighs as she crosses her arms and waits for me to fix it.

I finally get it unzipped, and see what the problem is. She had a piece of paper stuck in the zipper. I look at the paper, and she rips it out of my hand roughly.

"Let me see it" I say darkly.

"No" she says as she sits in her seat.

I sigh as I go over to her and squat down. "Now" I say darkly. All of my students are watching us right now.

She sighs as she hands me the paper.

She failed her math test, and I see that Evan wrote on her paper to see him after class. Evan is a cool guy, and I know he's a fair teacher. He still sits with us at lunch.

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