~115~ Family Dinner And A Good Attitude

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Ellie's POV

I'm lying in bed, trying to fall asleep. I'm having trouble.

Taylor can never fall asleep until I do. He has told me that a million times. The moment I fall asleep, he is able to relax enough to fall asleep himself. So, I know he's still awake right now.

Sure enough, a few minutes later, he pulls me into a hug.

"What's wrong, baby girl? It never takes you this long to fall asleep."

"I'm just thinking"

"Thinking is good. Maybe not at 11 pm, though. Watcha' thinking bout?"

I turn over and put my hand on his strong chest. "You still make me nervous."

"Huh?" He asks as he sits up and turns on the light.

He blinks a lot, trying to adjust to the sudden brightness.

"Remember when you caught Liam drinking, and brought him to my apartment?"

He chuckles. "Yeah. I was so turned on by the skimpy booty shorts you were wearing...I was trying to get myself calmed down before I really embarrassed myself."

"Embarrass YOURself? I was the one half naked."

"Yeah, well, Taylor Jr. was reporting for duty" he laughs.

"Anyways" I say rolling my eyes.

"I remember after I spanked him, I came out and you were sleeping on my couch."

"Well, Ellie Jane, I was bored. You were in there for forever."

"Can I finish my story please?"

He smirks as he mimicks zipping his lips and throwing away the key.

"Thank you, Chatterbox" I say, rolling my eyes again.

"Anyways, when I came out and saw you sleeping, it was the first time I had ever felt safe, and that made me nervous. The butterflies I had at the thought of you sleeping on my couch made me nervous. You still, make me nervous. It just makes me sad."

"Why?" He asks, grabbing my hand.

"Because one day it will end."

"What will?"

"This. When we're old and wrinkled and half out of our minds, this feeling will go away. I don't want it to go away. I couldn't fall asleep, because the thought of you sleeping next to me was giving me butterflies. It's so stupid," I say, shaking my head in embarrassment.

He kisses my head and brings me down with him, kissing my temple and brushing the hair off of my face.

"I still can't believe you gave me a second chance. I didn't deserve it. You still make me nervous too," he whispers, nuzzling his nose into my neck, and kissing gently behind my ear.

"Ellie Jane?" He says, making my name into a question.


"Taylor Jr. is reporting for duty again."

I smirk as I turn over and kiss him gently.

"Well, Chief. Let's give him a mission."

After Taylor Jr. does his job, we both fall asleep, tired and content, with butterflies in both of our stomachs.

The next day at work, I go up to Mason's room on his break. He is sitting at his desk grading papers.

"Gotta' minute, Mr. West?"

He looks up and smiles gently at me, putting his pen down.

"What can I do for you, Nurse Preston?"

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