~102~ You're Lucky I Love You

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Ellie's POV

Taylor gets in with the kids and Drew.

"Gamma!!" Drew squeals excitedly.

"There's my boy" I say, taking him from Taylor and kissing his face.

"I've missed you" I say, kissing him some more.

He looks at me seriously. "Pank. Ow"

I look at Taylor, and he is slightly amused, but mostly irritated.

"Go stand in a corner, right now young lady." He says sternly.

I look at him, confused. He rushed out of the house so quickly, I have no idea what's going on.

"That little twerp didn't want spanked, so she kneed Mason in.....then he looks at Drew, and simply points to himself.

"Oh no! Is he ok?"

He shakes his head. "His voice was shaky and he had no color. He was probably hurting worse than I was that time."

"Why would she do that?"

"I don't know, but I intend to find out in a bit." He says darkly.

"Papa mad" Drew says sadly.

Taylor takes him from me and kisses his head. "Not at you, Andy-Man. Want some juice?"

He smiles and nods enthusiastically.

"Want something, Dylan?"

"Sure" he says, going to the fridge slowly.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"Your daughter" he grumbles.

"What?" I ask, looking at Taylor.

Dylan rolls his eyes. "In the words of Andrew, she just 'panked me."

"What?!?" I ask, shocked.

"Oh yeah. Thanks to you ratting me out, she brushed me!"

Taylor snorts. "Between the paddle and the hairbrush, it's a wonder anybody can walk around here."

"Good for her" I say, impressed. My baby is growing up.

"Thanks for the concern, Ellie." Dylan snaps.

"Hush. Sit down and do your homework."

He just looks at me.

"Would you like a pillow?"

He sighs, and nods silently.

I laugh as I go get him one.

About half an hour later, Taylor yells into the living room.

"Get in here, Jocelyn" he barks.

She walks in and he is glaring at her. He gets in her face, bending down far so he is eye level with her. Then he puts his finger in her face.

"If you EVER intentionally hurt him again, I will use my belt on you. Do you understand me?"

She nods

"ANSWER ME!" He yells.

"Yes sir" she whispers, looking at the floor.

"Look at me, and say it louder."

"Yes sir" she says, her eyes filling with tears.

"You did it on purpose?"

"Yes sir"

"Ok. You're done for tonight. Go to bed."

"It's 5" she says darkly.

"I'm sorry, what?"

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