~33~ Tree Climber

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Emma's POV

I drive to school and I'm mad. I wear one shirt that's a little out of character and I get in trouble for it? Sasha's butt used to hang out half the time in her dance outfits, but I can't wear a shirt that shows cleavage? This is crap.

I get to school and I'm in a bad mood. Trace meets me at my locker and senses my mood immediately.

"What's wrong, Emmy?"

"My mom made me mad"

"Why?" He asks, stealing a kiss quickly.

We both straighten when we see Owen walking by. We talk a little, but not much. It's awkward. He pretends like he doesn't see us, but he obviously did.

Once he passes, Trace looks at me. "It's ok if you're still sad you broke up with him. Doesn't mean you're not happy we're together" he says softly.

I just shrug. "I just didn't want to hurt him. He's a great guy."

Trace nods. "Yeah, he is" he says as he wraps his arms around me and we start walking to my first class.

"So why are you mad at your mom?"

I sigh as I tell him what happened.

Trace chuckles before he can help himself. "That sucks. I wish I could have seen it."

I chuckle. "Oh, I'm wearing it again. Maybe on our date tomorrow night."

"No, Emma. You're not wearing it if it's going to get you into trouble. Wear it once you turn 18."

"Does that make us illegal? You will still be 17 when I'm 18" I joke.

He snorts. "Considering I'm two months younger, I think the cops will let us slide."

"Well, I still want to wear it on our date. It's adorable."

"No way. I'm not going to enjoy my time if I keep thinking about how you could get in trouble."

I inwardly smile. He is always putting me first. This is why I feel safe with him. What guy would turn down seeing a somewhat revealing shirt? Then again, what guy is willing to wait until marriage to have sex with the girl he is with? Trace Greene, that's who.

We get to my class and he kisses me goodbye. "See you in 4th hour, Emma" he says, stroking my cheek once more. I watch him walk away, giving one of his buddies a high-five as he passes. I am so in love with him.

That night I get home and I'm still not happy. Mom can tell immediately and she rolls her eyes.

"Let's talk" she says, pointing to the barstool at the island.

I sigh as I sit down, and wait for her lecture.

"Why are you so upset?" She asks me, scooping up some ice cream for the both of us.

"Because that wasn't fair" I say; taking a bite.

"Not letting you wear a shirt that was so low, I could almost see your bra isn't fair? Emma, did you really think I would let you do that?"

"I'm almost 18. I don't see the problem."

"The problem is that you're not 18 yet. There are still rules you need to abide by."

"So when I graduate, I will still be 17. Can I wear what I want then?" I ask with an attitude.

Mom looks at me hard and then looks at dad.

Dad talks then. "Number one, young lady....I don't appreciate the way you're talking to your mother. Knock it off now before you and I have a problem."

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