~54~ Ellie Is Wrong

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Ellie's POV

It's been a few weeks since school has started, and I still don't like Ben. I'm being more friendly, because apparently I was "being rude," but I can't stand him. The guys love him though. He's quickly becoming part of the group.

I had told Taylor about it once he started feeling better, and he was immediately on edge. He talked to Mason about it, but after Mason told him he thought I was "overreacting," he wasn't ready to beat Ben's ass anymore.

It's really starting to bother me that people keep thinking that I'm overreacting. They know me. They know my character...Maybe I am overreacting.

I go to lunch today, and start talking to McKenna. I absolutely adore this girl. She is beyond sweet. She's still on the quieter side, but she reminds me of Megan. I wish Nick would give her a chance. I think she would be perfect for him. He won't, though. Unfortunately, Nick is VERY into physical appearances, and I know that McKenna isn't up to his standards.

We're talking about a song she's thinking about adding into a recital that's coming up soon. I'm letting myself love music again. I have never told anyone that I sang in front of Taylor. I don't want anyone to know that. Not yet, anyways.

"You should come up to my room some time. I'm curious to see if you can come up with a different arrangement" McKenna says.

"I'd love to" I say.

"You'd love to what?" Ben asks, catching the tail end of our conversation.

"Nothing" I say with a forced smile.

"You'd love to be my friend? Well gee, Mrs. Preston, I'd be honored."

Lance, Nick, and Mason chuckle at him. They all have a bromance going with him. I really want to start eating in the lounge, but I don't want to leave McKenna. Maybe she will sit with me. I'll have to talk to her about that later.

"Ellie, I want to talk to you about something. You're going to the first competition for Josie, right?"

"Yeah. The one that's several hours away?"

Lance and Mason just nod.

"We're doing like we did Sasha's senior year. It will be the competition and a basketball tournament. We need chaperones. You were a lifesaver last time, and I just have to have you there. Please?" Lance begs.

"Sure. I'm going anyways"

"You're awesome" Lance says, relieved. "Ok, so Mason you will be there anyways, Nick will be there anyways, and Ben, you can still chaperone?"

"Yup" he says, giving me a weird, cocky look.

Dang it.

"You know, I actually need to check before I commit." I say quickly.

"Check what?" Lance asks.

"I need to make sure Taylor is good with it. Last time was insane."

"I know. That's why I want you there." He says with an attitude.

I give him a hard look. "Lance, I'm not obligated to chaperone. I'm the school nurse. I'll check and get back with you."

He's mad. He looks at me hard, but says nothing else. Thankfully lunch is over, so I don't have to sit in awkward silence.

As I'm standing up, Lance whispers in my ear.

"Stop in my office for a minute, will ya?"

Oh fantastic. I'm an adult and still getting sent to the principal's office.

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