~128~ Know The Rules Before You Play The Game

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Liam's POV

Nora is 8 weeks pregnant, and we're going to our first sono. I'm stoked. I never got to go with Savannah, because I didn't know about her.

I didn't get to go to Jaxson's first one either because I was dealing with Diego's death, and I again, had no idea she was pregnant.

I know this time, though. I know, and I'm going, and I'm so flipping excited. We decided to make a day out of it. Since Savannah is in school, we asked Megan to keep Jax for the day. I'm taking this girl out to lunch, and then after the appointment we're going to do some shopping.

She's sicker than a dog, but today she's feeling ok, so we're going to see how much she can do.

We go to lunch, and it's nice. It's never just the two of us.

"Pregnancy looks beautiful on you," I smirk as I take a bite of my breadstick.

She smiles as she sips on some ginger ale. "I'm excited. I hope everything is ok," she says nervously.

"I'm sure everything is fine. We didn't go through a year of trying for something to be wrong."

She gives me a look, but doesn't say anything. She's nervous and I'm not sure why.

We get to the appointment, and they get us back to the sonogram room. I've never seen this process before. I had no idea that they got so close and personal. This lady should at least buy my wife dinner first.

When the screen comes on, I haven't the foggiest idea what I'm looking at. I smile and act like I do, cause come on! What kind of a dad doesn't know which weird white thing is his kid?

The lady in my girl's business gets a funny look on her face.

"Oh," she says.

"Is everything ok?" Nora asks, completely panicked.

"Everything is fine. See this little flicker? That's the heartbeat."

I see what she's talking about. How cool.

"Looks like you got a bonus, mommy," she says as she points to another little flicker.

My baby has two hearts?

"What?!?!" Nora asks, completely shocked.

"Congratulations. Looks like you're having twins," the crazy lady says excitedly.


"Um, I'm sorry, but I only placed an order for one baby," I say, completely stunned.

The lady and Nora look at me, surprised, and the lady starts laughing.

What's so funny?

"Well, you're getting two for the price of one," she smirks as she starts looking at more things on the screen.

"No, I don't think you understand. It took us one year to get pregnant. One entire long and stressful year. Are you telling me that I planted one seed and Nora's bed sprouted two flowers?!?"

This lady is once again laughing. What is with this daffy lady? There is nothing even remotely funny about this.

She goes back to looking at the screen, and I'm still not processing.

"Ok, I'm just confused," I say. "This will be the third generation of twins in this family. My mom was a twin, she had twins, and now this? Isn't it supposed to skip a generation? WHY DID IT NOT SKIP?"

She looks at me and raises her eyebrows. "You had no part in this," she says seriously.

"Er, ma'am, I beg to differ. It was my bionic sperm that created two flickers!"

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