~2~ Slacking

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Emma's POV

I pass Dylan in the hall and he doesn't even acknowledge me. This kid is an ass. He barely says anything when he's at home, and when he's here he acts like he doesn't know any of us.

He's terrified of dad, even though dad hasn't even yelled at him before. The only person that he is remotely ok with is mom. He will hold a conversation with her, and he will occasionally crack a smile.

He constantly gives Mason attitude, and he acts like Sasha is nonexistent. He's just miserable. He has become insanely popular in the short time that he's been here, though. It doesn't surprise me. The kid is seriously hot. Even for a freshman. His brother, Mason, is hot, but this kid is another level. He's like a model mixed with a bad-boy. Girls are already all over him. Even Juniors and Seniors. He's loving all the attention.

I get to my locker and I see Owen. He smirks at me as he leans in for a kiss.

"How's your day been so far?" He asks, brushing a strand of hair out of my eyes.

"It's ok. I'm dreading West's class. This test is going to be killer" I say as I switch out my books and we start walking to class.

"For him living at your house, you would think he would give you the test questions" Owen chuckles.

"I wish. Mason is insane about keeping everything separate. Trace and Luke tried hard to get answers for this one. Mason was kinda getting irritated with them at the end" I say as we round the corner to Mason's room.

We get in class and sit down. Mason smiles at me but doesn't say anything. Even though if word got out he was dating, and impregnated, Sasha it wouldn't be a bad thing, Mason still doesn't want people knowing. Their relationship was legal. They waited to get together until Sasha was no longer a student...It's still awkward for Mason, though.

He hands out the test and we start working. I suddenly look over and notice that Luke, my twin brother, is cheating. What is he doing?  He's got answers written on a tiny piece of paper and he's discretely writing them down.

I try to look away, but I'm not fast enough. Mason has glanced up at me and sees that I'm not looking at my test. His eyes follow mine, and he immediately becomes livid.

He silently goes up to Luke and bends down so he's eye level with him. Luke still hasn't noticed Mason yet.

Mason clears his throat.

Luke jerks, and drops the paper he was using. Mason is still crouching down, glaring at Luke. He silently bends over and picks up the piece of paper, studying it. He's getting more angry by the second.

"Stand up" Mason says darkly.

"Why?" Luke spits out.

"Because I want to talk to you in the hall" Mason says, trying to keep his voice still in "teacher mode."

"Why not here?" Luke snaps.

Mason sighs and bends down so he's eye level with Luke again.

"Because you've already disrupted my class enough. UP. NOW." He says loudly.

Luke sighs but follows him out to the hall. Mason follows behind him, absolutely furious.

Luke's POV

I get to the hall and Mason is right on my tail. He seriously looks like he wants to hit me. For a guy who claims to be 100 percent against spanking, he sure looks like he wants to wallop me.

"You picked the wrong class to cheat in, Luke. Did I or did I not make my rules about cheating very clear at the beginning of the year?" He asks, pretty much whispering.

Inferno Part 2Where stories live. Discover now