~118~ I Don't Need Babysat

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Ellie's POV

"Can you do me a favor?" Taylor asks, coming up to me after I get home from work.

"Of course"

"Can you go over to Katie's?"

"Um, why?"

"You have those cookies you made. Could you take some over to Wes?"


"Ellie, please...." he says with an attitude.

"You're wanting me to check up on him, aren't you?"

He looks at me hard and then finally nods slightly.


I sigh and kiss him gently. "Yeah," I say as I get several and put them in a bag.

I walk over. When I get there, Katie and Wes are sitting at the table, drinking some lemonade. Katie is flipping her hair and sticking out her chest in a ridiculous manner. Wes is chuckling at something she said.

"Hey guys" I say with a smile.

"Man. Do you not believe in knocking?" She snaps.

I chuckle. "You tell me...You've never once knocked on any of our houses."

She just glares at me.

"What's up?" Wes asks, giving me a funny look.

"Um, I made too many and I wanted to see if you and Katie wanted a break to eat some. Looks like you're already taking one, though."

Wes gives me a knowing look. I didn't fool him. "Thanks. I'll walk you out," he says in a clipped tone.

I put the cookies down on the counter and he grabs me gently by the arm, leading me out. When we get outside, he glares at me.

"I'm pissed, Ellie," he says darkly.

I sigh and nod. "I'm sorry"

"Taylor put you up to it?"

"He just loves you, Wes."

He glares at me. "I'm not going to cheat on her."

"I know"

"Don't do this again."

"Ok," I say, sighing and walking away.

As I'm about to walk into my yard, he grabs my hand and silently pulls me into him.

"I'm sorry," he says, kissing my head. "I haven't needed babysat since I was 12, and I'm resenting it."

I nod and hug his neck. "Do you really not see where he's coming from?"

He sighs and nods. "I do. But you have to see my side too. This is just a job. I personally don't think you and Lance need to be as close as you are... Especially since he's so attracted to you. I have NEVER said that to you until just now. You guys need to mind your own business."

I nod and kiss his cheek. "Starting now, we will. Please forgive us."

He nods and smiles. "Thanks for the cookies," he smirks.

I kick his leg playfully and leave. We do need to mind our own business. I'm mad at myself for letting Taylor talk me into doing that. I won't do it again, though.

When I get in, Taylor is waiting at the door.


"Well what?" I ask.

"What were they doing?"

"Having sex on the counter"

He glares at me. "I'm serious, Eleanor."

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