***~109~ Afternoon***

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Liam's POV

Tatum and I head to the offices. Lance is unconscious, trapped under a shelf.

I get on my radio. "Drake, victim unconscious in the front office."

"Copy Lieutenant. We will be right there."

I turn my attention to Tatum.

"Grab the other side," I say as I quickly grab one end of the cabinet.

Together we are able to get it off of him. That sucker was heavy...Lance is not in a good way right now.

"Lance, it's Liam. Can you open your eyes, my dude?" I ask, keeping my voice calm.


"Damn it" I say as put my hand on his carotid artery to check his pulse. Thankfully it actually feels strong and steady.

Drake comes in with the replacement paramedic. We still haven't found a good fit for the house since Nora. Drake has had to deal with floaters this whole time.

They get a neck brace on him and get him on the gurney.

"I've got an ambulance ready to take him. We will be right back," Drake says.

I nod as Tatum and I rush to check on other people. Normally I would walk with Lance until they got to the ambulance. Probably even ride with him...There just isn't the time...

I go out and see mom working on another kid. I'm so glad she is here. She's helping Drake out so much right now. He can focus on the critical while she takes care of everyone else. Right now she is putting a bandage on a kid who is bleeding from his head.

"How is he?" She asks, not taking her eyes off of the kid.

"Unconscious but has a pulse."

She nods. "I know you have to go, but please grab all my stuff that is still on the shelves. Whatever didn't get thrown around, that is. I'm running out quickly."

I nod as I quickly do what she's asked. The medical supplies is a mess. Thankfully I'm able to grab a bunch of it though, and put it in a pile next to her.

"Thanks darling" she says, moving on to another kid.

"Any idea where Savannah is?" I ask as I'm walking away.

"No idea"


Taylor's POV

I get on my radio. "All units, start sending students and faculty to the gym. I want everyone in a localized area."

"Copy Chief" Greene says, followed by Liam.

"Tony, report" I say after a moment of him not answering. He took Diego's place as Lieutenant on Engine.

"Sorry, Chief. I need help up here" I hear him grunting.


"Shop room. I need Drake too."

Wes answers the radio. "I'm close. Be right there, Tony."

"Copy" Tony says

I go up to Nick, and he is helping several kids.

"Any injuries?" I ask quickly.

He shakes his head. "We're good, Chief."

I nod as I start to walk away.

"Taylor" he says with a funny tone in his voice.

I stop and turn around.

"Colton and Dylan aren't here. They were supposed to be in this class this period," he says, stressed.

Inferno Part 2Where stories live. Discover now