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You and Zoro got separated from the rest of the Straw Hats. You two are now stuck in the forest, where you try to find the others. But with Zoro's bad sense of direction, you feel like you get even more lost.

"Ugh, Zoro! I swear we've been 3 times!" you yell at Zoro. "We are not getting anywhere!" You look up to the sky and see the sun setting. " it's getting dark. We might as well just camp somewhere."

Zoro stopped walking and sighed. "Fine."

30 minutes later, a starry night sky shined along with a full bright moon. "Wow, it's so pretty." You awe at the sky while sitting close to the warm fire. I looked over at Zoro, who was leaning on the root of a huge tree. He looked as if he was sleeping.

"Are you comfortable?" you asked. Zoro opened one eye at me. "Yeah, why?" he asked, he looked annoyed at your question.

"Just wondering." you said. Then, you sighed. It was really awkward between you two, and you wondered why it had to be Zoro of all people and not Sanji or Robin, even Luffy would be better.

Suddenly, it begins to rain. "Are you kidding?" you said to yourself out loud. "Hey," Zoro called. "Get under the tree. It's drier here." You scoot yourself next to Zoro and hugged your knees. It got cold real quick.

You shivered, but didn't say anything because you didn't want to complain in front of Zoro. Zoro noticed you shivering and chattering, and sighed. Then, unexpectedly, you're pulled into Zoro's arms. You don't know what to do or say as you're pressed against Zoro's muscular body.

You suddenly felt warm the longer Zoro held you. "Zoro..." you whispered. You looked up to thank him and you see him blushing. You giggled and thanked him. That made him turn even redder.

Then, you did the unexpected and kissed him on the cheek. Zoro turned as you slipped back into his arms. He stopped you and gave you a full kiss on the lips.

For the rest of the night, you two held each other and thought about the time you have loved each other.

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