The Monster Trio

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We all know the Monster Trio.

Sanji, Zoro, and Luffy.

These guys are the best thing about this anime and I love them all. ( But I call RORONOA ZORO!!! )

These guys have their moments when the three can't even stand each. But then there are times when they depend on each other's strength and become the greatest team ever!

Here is one of those stories in 3rd person when the three are alone.

"Move it, Mosshead!" Sanji yelled, kicking another Marine into the ground. Zoro dodged and attacked using one-sword style. "How about you, you damn cook!" he shouted back. "You're going to make me fall off the cliff!"

Luffy sprung in using his devil fruit powers and took out half of the enemy, but more kept taking their place. "Damn, we're not getting anywhere like this!" Sanji grunted, taking out two more. Luffy punched and Zoro sliced. "Yeah, but there's not much else we can do!" Zoro said.

"Just keep going!" Luffy yelled. "These guys are nothing!" Though that was true, all three of them knew that they were making no progress. "We need a plan!" Zoro insisted. "Or else, sooner or later, we'll get trapped at the cliff's edge."

The cliff side was about 5 yards away and at the bottom awaited a rolling wild river. "Yeah," Luffy agreed. "We can't let that happen." He turned to Sanji. "What's the plan?"

Sanji gave him a dumb look. "What do you mean 'What's the plan'? YOU'RE THE CAPTAIN!" Luffy made an annoyed expression. "So? I can't come up with ALL the plans!"

"You can barely come up with one." Zoro mentioned. Luffy knocked out a Marine in Zoro's direction. "What's that suppose to mean, Zoro!"

"Exactly how it sounds, Captain." Zoro replied. He turned in Sanji's direction. "Damn it, cook, look out!" Sanji rotated and was kicked under the jaw and was sent flying towards the edge of the cliff.

"Sanji!" Luffy yelled, as he watched Sanji tumble over. Sanji was quick to grab hold of the rocky edge, and was dangling over a mile long drop.

"Damn it," Sanji mumbled, and tried to find a foot hole, but unfortunately out of luck. His hands began to slip. "No, it can't end this way." he said, and he fought to hang on. "Guys," Sanji called to the others. "I'm slipping."

Then, his hands gave out. But before he could fall, his wrist was grabbed just in time. "Hang on, Sanji." It was Zoro. Sanji grabbed hold of his wrist. Zoro took position. "You ready for this, Sanji?" Sanji gulped.

"As ready as I'll ever be." Sanji said. Zoro smirked. "You better be, 'cause here we go!" Zoro put all his strength into the arm that was hanging onto Sanji and tossed him over his shoulder as hard as he could. "Here he comes, Luffy!"

"Got him!" Luffy grinned, and used his long rubbery arm to catch Sanji around his waist. "Here it comes, you bastards!" He swung Sanji around in circles at the surrounding Marines, who were now falling victim at Sanji's boosted power kicks!

In less of a minute, all the Marines were down. "Well, that was a good workout." Zoro said, stretching his neck. "Shall we move on to the actual competition?" Sanji nodded, while Luffy just laughed.

"This was fun!" he grinned. "We should do this for fun more often."

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