Kid's Rage Part 1

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The ship was volleyed back and forth through the sea. Freezing rain pelted against my crew's working bodies. Tsunami waves crashed upon the slippery deck. Thunder boomed and the lightning illuminated the pitch-black sky. Fog surrounded us in a tranlucent veil.

"Captain!" All around me, I caught my title muffle through the roaring sounds. "CAPTAIN KID!!!"

Killer, soaked to the bone, suddenly appeared at my side. "The crow's nest has finally spotted land, Kid!" He yelled at the top of his lungs in order for me to hear him. I squinted to see the faint dot of a lighthouse fire in the storm. "Head that way! Keep control of the ship!" I shouted to my crewmates.

With maximum effort, we were able to inch our way to the island. But that's where the real trouble began. "Rocks! Coral!" Everyone panicked.

"Keep the ship steady!" I ordered profusely, but by then it was pointless.

"Abandon ship! Abandon ship!"


My crewmates began to throw themselves off the ship one by one. Killer, shockingly, grabbed my arm. "We must go, Kid! I'll make sure you don't drown!"

With one final glance at my vessel, I let Killer pull me and we jumped off the side and into the churning waters. Unfortunately, as soon as we touched the sea, Killer's grip on me was knocked off. "KID!!!" was the last thing I heard before I began sinking to the bottom of the ocean.

On the way down, the waves crashed my body into the rocks, impaling my rib cage and splurting blood.

As my strength was sucked out of me, I began to fade. Suddenly, someone or something grabbed my lifeless hand. I tried to open my eyes to maybe see Killer saving me. When I managed to squint them open, I caught the silolette of a unexpectingly small figure. Its grip on my hand was also small but strong, too. It could be one of my other crewmates.

I lost consciousness as I was pulled up by my mysterious savior. When we broke to the surface, I heard a voice over the piercing winds.

"Hang on! Don't you die on me!"

Uncomfortably, it sounded feminine.

I remember being dragged against the currents and finally solid ground. My bloody body is then dropped onto wet sand and a shadow appeared over me.

After that, I passed out.

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