Sanji's Choice Part 2

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As I approached the ship, I realized I didn't go grocery shopping. Damn it, I thought, but couldn't do anything about it now. The markets closed hours ago.

I sighed, and I boarded the ship. Nami, Usopp, and Zoro were there me.

"Where the hell were you?!" Nami yelled, knocking me upside the head. Usopp and Zoro both gave me a punch in the arm. "I see you had a good sale with all the food you brought back!" Usopp said sarcastically.

Then, Luffy popped his head out from under the deck. "Sanji! We're hungry!" he reminded me. He saw my hands were empty. "Sanji! Where's our food!?" Everyone else's eyes asked me the same question.

"Look guys, I just got little distracted." I said. "That's it." Nami raised her brow. "What kind of distraction?"

"Just stuff, ok!" I snapped at her and I retreated to my hammock under the deck.

Lying there, I dreamed about seeing Maria again. Her beautiful smile and eyes. Her amazing laugh and voice. I couldn't wait til tomorrow.



I ordered Zoro and Usopp to go with me to follow Sanji around the marketplace. Robin and Chopper were to an eye on Luffy.

Something about Sanji didn't feel right.

For one thing, he snapped at me. Never, for anything, has Sanji ever yelled at me before.

"Come on," I told Zoro and Usopp, as we kept a good distance between us and Sanji. It wasn't long until we were long past the marketplace, and were heading towards what seemed to be a park. We ducked behind some trees when Sanji suddenly stopped.

We watched as a young woman with blonde hair walk up to Sanji and plant a kiss on his cheek. They smiled to each other and sat on the nearby bench. They talked and talked.

"Do you think they know each other from somewhere?" Usopp asked. I didn't know. They did act like they've known each other for awhile. We began to close in to where we can hear behind a nearby wall.

"How long do you plan to stay, Sanji?" the woman asked, wrapping her arms through his. Sanji shrugged. "I honestly don't know. We still have to get supplies, which is partly my fault." They both laughed it off like it was no big deal.

"I hope we stay for awhile, though." Sanji said. "I don't want to leave you, Maria. Not yet."

"Who said you had to go?"

My eyes widened. No, Sanji wouldn't, would he? I slumped against the wall, not wanting anymore. Zoro and Usopp ducked down, too. All of us had a worried expression.

"You don't think..." I started. "he actually leave the crew? Would he?" Zoro closed his eyes and leaned into the wall. Usopp sat down on the grass and hugged his knees.

"What would we tell Luffy?" he breathed.

And the question lingered in our heads for the rest of the day.

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