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"Hey, Y/N!" Luffy called from the top of the cliff. "You have to check this out!" It took him 5 minutes to get up there, when you were only half way.

"Hold on," you called back. "I'm not as fast as you, Luffy." Finally, you made it to the top with a little bit of Luffy's help along the way. Once you got to the top of the cliff, the first you notice is the breath-taking view.

"Oh my," Your eyes lit up. You saw the beach and ocean go on for miles. Boats cruised along the waters. A giant sun was dipping into the horizon, creating the most beautiful sunset you've ever seen.

"This is absolutely beautiful." you breathed. You gazed over at Luffy. "Thanks Luffy." Luffy laughed. "No problem." Then, he took a step towards you.

"You know," he said. "You look really pretty in the sun's light." You blush at the sudden comment. Luffy made his familiar grin and snickered. "You're cute when you blush." You blush even more.

"Stop it, Luffy." you said, trying to cover your face. "You're embarrassing me." Luffy laughed more. "Embarrassed? How can you be embarrassed if there's no one around."

"You know what I mean!" You turned your back and tried to control yourself.

Then, you felt Luffy's lips pressed against your cheek. You didn't move. When Luffy stopped, you didn't. You turned and kissed him right on the lips.

When you pulled away, you blushed. "Sorry! I don't know what came over me." You hung your head.

Suddenly, your chin was lifted. "Um...Luffy..." you started. But you stopped when your eyes met.

"I like you." Luffy said, grinning.

You smile.

"I like you, too." you breathed.

As the sun sunk beneath the wavy horizon, you and Monkey D. Luffy share a passionate kiss just as the moon appeared in the sky.

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