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"Usopp...where are you?" You called softly. Tip-toeing quietly against the wall, you hoped to find your crewmate before the marines found you.

Usopp had been left behind after he managed to set a diversion so the Straw Hats could escape, but you had come back to retrieve your brave sniper. Only you have entered the facility in order to keep the chances of being slim, while everyone else stayed on the Merry, circling stealthingly around the base. In your back pocket, you had a transponder snail, just in case you found Usopp.

You've been searching for about an hour. You began to get worry. As you turn what seem like the millionth corner, you spotted a door that was marked with "Prisoner". You gulped and snuck to the side of the door, prying the lock open. Slowly opening it, your eyes widened at the sight before you.


The marines had chained his thin body against the icy cold metal wall by his arms, his head limped to the side. There were cuts scattered across his person, from scratches to gashes. Blood stained his overalls and t-shirt, his shoes were missing. As you approached closer to him, you could see his face clearly...tears welded up in your eyes. One of his eyes were swollen shut, his lip was split open, a deep bloody line ran down his right cheek.

"Oh, Usopp..." you cried and threw your arms around his waist, pressing your cheek against his bony chest. "What have done to you?"

"Y/N..." You heard your name escape his lips. "What are you doing here?..."

"I'm here to rescue you. I'm here to bring you home." You struggled to open the chains, for they were very thick.

"Y/'s too late for me..."

"Don't say things like that! I'm going to save you! Don't you dare die on me, Usopp!" You fished out one of Usopp's impact dials out of your bag and flicked the top, giving it just enough power to break the chains and not his wrist.

Usopp's body collasped forward, but you caught him before he could hit the cold floor. You lowered his shoulder onto your lap, his head rest in the crook of your arm. He was breathing hard and unevenly.

"Come on..." you sniffed, trying to stay calm. "You have to get up...we got to get you out of here..."

Forcing both of them open, Usopp looked up at you with those handsome eyes. He forced a toothy grin as if to reassure you that everything was going to be okay. His hand slowly reached up and brushed your tears away with his palm. "Could you tell the rest of the crew I said good-bye?" You squeezed your eyes shut, wishing and praying that this wasn't happening.

"Please...don't leave us...don't leave me..." you cried. "I love you, Usopp. We all love you."

"I love you guys, too. Y/ know I love you over all." His eyes began to close. You shook him awake. "Please stay with me. We are going to reach our dreams together remember? So stay with me."

"Y/N..." his voice hummed. "You are my dream..."

His hand fell lifelessly from your cheek. His head tilted back. His breathing stopped.

"Usopp? USOPP!" you cried. You wept over his body.

You heard voices coming and you knew you couldn't stay. You had to return to the Merry and to Luffy and everyone.

Planting a kiss upon his cold lips, you left Usopp where he laid, knowing you will never get to be with him again...

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