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It was pitch black when you woke up in your room. Then, lightning and thunder filled your ears and ducked down under your covers.

The night you and the crew decided to dock the Sunny at an island, it thunderstorms. You hated thunderstorms.

Finally, you couldn't take it. You forced yourself out of your bed and wrapped a blanket around your shoulders. Then, you left your dark room.

You quietly opened the bedroom door closest to yours and you saw a figure jump up, startled.

It was Zoro.

"Y/N?" he said, confused. "What are you doing here? Is something wrong?" In response, the thunder cracked and a flash of lightning lit the room up, and you fell to your knees, covering your ears.

Zoro rushed out of bed, and held your shoulders. "Hey. Are you ok?" he asked. You lifted your head, shaking. Zoro didn't need an answer when he saw your scared expression.

He stood up and walked back to his bed. Then, sitting on the edge, he gestured you to come to him. At first, you didn't move. When the thunder began to roll, you scrambled to Zoro's side.

"Just this night." he said, and he scooted over to make room for you. You curled up next to his warm body. "Thank you, Zoro."

Another crack of thunder, and you cowered under the covers. When it passed, you peeked out and saw Zoro smiling. "Don't make fun of me." you whined, wiping your eyes.

"I'm not." Zoro claimed. Then, he scooted upward, and patted his chest. "Come on, place your head here."

You obeyed, and rested the side of your head on his warm shoulder. You felt Zoro's arm around you and a squeeze on your forearm. "There, is that better?" he asked. You nodded your head against his body, and gripped his shirt. "Thank you." you repeated.

As you began to drift to sleep, you felt a kiss planted on the top of your head, and a soft cheek resting on your temple.

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