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It's been two years since you've seen any of the Straw Hats, and you were anxious when the day finally came. You sat in the bar and waited for some sort of message.

Suddenly, someone grabbed your arm. "Well hello there, pretty lady." a drunken coughed, smirking in his delight. "Want to hang out with a couple of locals?" He gestured to his other drunk buddies.

"No thank you." you covered your nose at the smell of his foul breath. "Go away." The drunk laughed loudly. He tightened his grip on your bicep. "I don't take no for an answer."

Suddenly, a blast of fire raced past your ear and in the drunken's face. He lurched back and gripped his face, screaming. You gasped and didn't move. Then, slowly, you rotated your body to see where the attack came from.

There he stood. He had grown a lot in two years. He was taller and his curly black was longer. He had a strong six-pack and muscular biceps. But he still had that long nose and that amazing heroic grin that brought you to tears.

"Usopp..." you breathed deeply. "It's you." Usopp walked up to you and winked. "Well of course it's me! Who did you expect?" You couldn't hold back anymore. You leaped forward and wrapped your arms around his neck.

"I missed you so much!" you cried. "Long time, no see, right?" Both you and Usopp laughed. He hugged you back and grasped your hand. "Come on, let's get out of here." You agreed happily and left the bar.

As we walked down the square, Usopp's grip on your hand tensed and he switched directions. He led you in an alley way. "Um, Usopp what are we doing here?" you asked, but was shushed by Usopp's finger on your lips. He held you close as if to protect you.

"They're following us." he whispered, and he notched his weapon. You closed your mouth and braced yourself against Usopp as he peered around the wall. He smiled. "Good, I think we lost them." Then, he laughed. "Close one, right?"

You nod, which made Usopp smile even bigger. Then, he leaned down and lightly touched your lips on his. Pulling back slowly, he whispered sweet words. "I've missed you, Y/N." He ran his fingers through your long hair. "I loved you all the way."

"As did I, Usopp." you smiled, and you two kissed while still in your hiding place in the alley way.

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