Zoro's Dedication Part 6

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"I...can't stay with you." I said, placing a hand on where hers rested on my chest. "But it's not because the reason you think it is."

"Then why?" she asked, not meeting my eyes. I raised her chin with my index finger. Her left eye shone with tears.

"Because I can't afford to lose someone like you."

"Lose someone like me?" Colette repeated. "What do you...oh..." I sighed, and squeezed her hand.

"Luffy is also a big part of it." I explained. "I've pledged myself to him long ago when I first fought your father." Then, I swallowed and took a breath.

"Luffy was also one of my first best friend in a very long time. He wasn't afraid of me or scared of me or even annoyed by my ambitions and dreams." My voice began to shake. "He believed that I was going to succeed in my dream; even after I lost to the one person who could've made it come true. He wasn't disappointed or angry. In fact," I let out a small laugh. "he acted as though he was just happy to see me still alive. He didn't care I lost."

"He cares about you." Colette breathed, a single tear fell from her left eye. "And you care about him. You want his dream to come true." I nodded my head slowly. Colette wiped her eye.

"You are so loyal. Brave. Determined." Colette smiled. She cupped my face and pressed her palm on my chest. "That's why I love you. That's what I love most."

"Colette..." I squeezed my eyes shut. Then, opening them slowly, I cracked a smiled. "I would ask you to come with me...so that you wouldn't be alone." I brushed the back of my hand where her long scar crossed her cheek. "But I see that you would've said no."

Colette nodded. "You're right. I don't belong with you and your crew. My ambitions are different from yours and I have my path to follow. While you have yours."

Her vision went past me and I turned to see what she looking at. Sanji rested on the ground and met our eyes. He smiled a little and went back rewrapping his wounded leg.

"You should go." Colette breathed. I turned back to her, and sighed slowly. "I know."

Then, as I began to leave, I felt her arms wrap around me. "You were my first friend, Zoro. And it will stay that way. You are always going to be my friend."

Hesitantly, I held her in my arms. Then, I tightened my hold. My eyes began to water, and I released Colette and wiped them quickly.

"Go." she said, pushing me a little. I turned, but once again I stopped before moving.

Then, before I knew it, I had my lips on hers. Releasing slowly, I gazed into her eyes one last time before finally leaving her for good.


"Let's go." Zoro said, as he offered me his hand. I accepted his help and took one look at Colette, who was walking away into the woods.

He hooked my arm around his shoulders and we began to make our way towards the shore. When we got there, a small boat at a dock was waiting for us.

As Zoro rowed back to the main island, I thought about if I should say something to him. I had witnessed the kiss they had shared and I saw a whole new side of him.


"Alright, spill it." I grumbled. Sanji perked up.

"I have nothing to say but..." he sighed. "I'm sorry."

I rolled my eyes, trying not to think about Colette. "It's fine. It's supposed to be this way."

Sanji didn't argue.

We finally reached the main island and I helped Sanji to the ship. There, I was...greeted...by the crew.

Nami and Usopp were the first to pound at my head. "Where were you?!" they yelled and cried. "We've been looking EVERYWHERE for you!"

"Yeah, yeah," I mumbled. "Sorry, guys." I handed Sanji over to them and pushed past them.

"Hey, Luffy!" I called. "You there!"

Luffy popped his head from the deck. "Zoro!" he shouted, and jumped down from the ship. "Where the hell have you been?!" Luffy raised his fist as if he was about to punch me. "I thought you'd---" he stopped, and lowered his fist and bit his lip.

"I thought you'd left the crew."

At first, I didn't say anything, but I didn't have to. Before I could open my mouth, Luffy grinned that ridiculous smile of his and scratch the back of his head. "Silly, right? I can't believe I actually think that!" He started laughing at himself.

I cracked a smile. "Yeah, that's pretty stupid of you, Luffy."

Luffy and I slapped our hands together and grasped in a hold.

"Don't worry," I said, facing everyone. "I'm not going anywhere."

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