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Every day he tells you. "(Y/N)-swan!" he would call. "How will I make you happy today?" All he wanted to do was to make you happy. You enjoyed it and used it in your advantage.

But now you regret it. He was gone. The Marines shot him the moment they saw him. They didn't hesitate. You watched as he fell.

Zoro had to hold you back as you tried to get to his body. He was breathing really hard on your neck as you struggled in his strong arms. You understood why Zoro was holding back tears, for he regretted things, too.

Once the Marines were gone, both you and Zoro sprinted to Sanji's side. You threw yourself on his body and wept on his chest and kissed his face. "Sanji...please Sanji..." you cried.

Zoro cradled Sanji's head in his lap. "Damn you, cook." he whispered, biting his lip.

You kissed Sanji's lips and pressed your forehead against his cold one. "Come back to me...I love you..."
But there was no hope. You cried even harder as you remembered all the times he told you he loved you. And all you did was smile and laugh it off.

"(Y/N)...." a cracked voice came from Sanji's lips. "Is that you?..." You gasped and cupped his face with your hands. Zoro smiled. "What the hell? Weren't you dead a second ago? You stupid cook." Sanji coughed, and forced a smile. "You here, too, Mosshead?"

"Oh Sanji..." You say and you kiss him full on the lips. When you pull away, he had a shocked look on his face. Zoro laughed and stood up. "Well, I have no reason to be here so I'll leave you guys alone." Then he walked away.

"How are alive?" you asked. "Those Marines shot you at 4 times." Sanji smiled and lifted his shirt. He wore a bullet-proof vest. "You sneak." you laughed and helped him to his feet. "The impact if the bullets must've knocked me out." Sanji said, scratching the back of his head. "Sorry for scaring you."

You grabbed his collar and pulled him in for a kiss. "That's fine." You said between kisses. "Just don't do it again, promise?" Sanji wrapped his arms around you and placed his hand on your neck.

"I promise."

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