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It had to be a rainy day.

Not only you and the whole crew were stuck in the small cabin, but all of you had to listen to Luffy complain.

"I'm so bored..." he groaned. You rolled your eyes and decided to head below deck, where it was quieter.

You found Usopp leaning against the wall, fiddling with wires and bolts and wood. "Hey, mind if I join you?" you knocked on the wood to get his attention. Usopp gazed up and smiled. "Not at all." he grinned, and began working again.

"What are you working on?" you asked, as you got comfortable next to him. Usopp twisted a screw in a hole and analyzed it. "Not really sure." he chuckled. "My hands are just bored I guess."

You cracked a smile and stared at the project in Usopp's hands. "Looks like a box with gears in it." you said, logically. Usopp gave you a "duh" look and flipped the box around.

"What does that crank do?" you pointed to the side of the box at a tiny metal handle. Usopp peered at it and made a confused face. "I have no idea." he said. Then, he smirked. "Wanna find out?"

You laughed and nodded.

Usopp curled his fingers around the handle and began to crank it. When he released it, a medley began to sing out of the box. It rang out like chimes and performed a beautiful tune that mixed in with the pouring raindrops against the wood.

"It's so beautiful." you awed, leaning your head on Usopp's shoulder. "You did a fabulous job."

As the song ended, Usopp handed me the music box. "Here, I want you to have it." Your eyes widened. "Really? You'll let me keep it?"

Usopp chuckled and smiled. "Of course, think of it as a gift from me." You wrapped your arms around his neck and held him tight.

"Thank you, thank you!" you cried happily. "I'll play it everyday!"

And you did.

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