Kid's Rage Part 3

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The forest was very thick. Everywhere you stepped, there were giant tree roots, sharp thickets, and wide branches blocking the path. The canopy prevented sunlight except in a few areas where it bled through the slits of branches.

The girl Lucy confidently, yet cautiously, led the way. In my shadow, she looked like a kid. A very short, skinny kid. She reeked of dried mud and old sap, as if she's never had a shower. It was obvious that she was homeless. She had no family for sure. But she must have some sort of shelter at least. Unless she was that pathetic.

As we trudged on the path, my hand unconsciously touched my wounded side. It was dreadfully painful, more than I believe it should. The bandaging was a rough job, but it at least stopped the blood flow.

"Does it hurt?"

I sneered at her unwelcomed question. "No, it doesn't. I don't feel a thing."

Lucy halted in her tracks and glanced over her shoulder. A slight amusing grin annoyingly spread across her lips. "You know, you may appear all big and scary, but I will bet my life that there is some sort of cushion inside your brain and you can show a compassionate side."

I spat to the side. "Well honey, you're dead meat if you believe that."

All she did was smile.

The forest was growing darker. "We'll make camp off to the side of the path." The girl said after another hour of walking in silence.

"What? Are you afraid of the dark or something?"

"I'm afraid of what's in it." Her face expression was completely serious. Her large eyes seem to stare straight through my body. "I promise you that I'm doing both of us a favor." She leaned against a fat tree and I immediately caught exhaustion washing over her. "We should make a fire." she huffed and gazed around for dead branches. Then, looking back at me, she said, "If I gather the wood, will you go find food?"

"How about the other way around, sweetheart?" I suggested bluntly. "I doubt you can carry two with those sticks you call arms."

"Alright, fair enough." She didn't seem phased at all. "I'll go this way and you go the opposite. We'll meet back here." We went our separate ways.

I returned about half hour later and she wasn't there. I decided to go ahead and start making a fire while I waited. Using pieces of metal I always carried with me, I quickly succeeded in building a stable flame. The girl must've gotten lost, so now she could find her way back.

Another half hour passed and I grew anxious.

"Where the hell is she?" I muttered. I rose to my feet slowly and stiff, and began making my way towards the direction she had taken. "Stupid girl. If you want something done, you have to do it yourself."

It was hard to see in the pitched forest. Small rays of moonlight shone through just enough to give me a trail to follow. It wasn't long until I found her, on the dirt ground, leaning against the trunk of a tree, her head hung loosely.

I knelt down next to her to get a better look. In her lap, was a pile of fresh fruit. From the look of things, she passed out from low blood sugar.

"If you were hungry, you could've just eaten something, stupid." I sighed, and then slowly lifted her tiny fragile body in my arms. Then, I carried her back to the camp.

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